Breakfast Run

Christians from four different Nailsea churches work together to provide a little support and relief to homeless people in Bristol city centre, through a weekly ‘Breakfast Run’.

Members of our several Nailsea Methodist teams get up at the crack of dawn on the fourth and fifth Sundays of the month to prepare bacon sandwiches and hot drinks for people who sleep on the streets or in hostel accommodation. We take them to a rendezvous close to the Bus station and spend half an hour or so listening to and learning about the people we meet there. We also take decent second-hand clothes and toiletries to hand out, and generally come away with a lot to think and pray about.

Adrian and Amanda Mead head up our Breakfast Run ministry and would love to hear from you if you can help. Contact the church office to get in touch with them.

Due to corona virus and social distancing rules, Breakfast Run is currently suspended. Instead, Adrian and Amanda are receiving cakes and delivering them to Bristol Outreach Services for the Homeless.