Values and Vision
Our Calling: Sharing Life
Our mission is to be like Jesus, and link the transforming love of God into every aspect of daily life. We will do this, guided by the Holy Spirit through a life of Worship, Learning and Caring, Service, and Evangelism.
In worship we celebrate God’s presence at the heart of life and God’s love for all God has made. We use our gifts and skills and a varied repertoire of words, music and creative arts to make worship fresh and relevant to people of all ages and stages of faith experience.
Through learning and caring we grow in faith and in our capacity to become loving human beings. We enjoy supportive mutual relationships and challenge ourselves to look out for and learn from those on the edges. We reflect on life and faith in worship and small groups and through contemporary media.
Service means being good neighbours to people in need and challenging injustice wherever we find it. We try to offer hospitality, practical help and financial support where needed both locally and further afield. Building community, working for inclusion and social justice and addressing the climate emergency are priorities for us.
We want to make more followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that restored relationships with God and with one another are a gift not just for us but for all! We look for opportunities to tell our story, to listen to yours and to explore Christian faith and discipleship together.
A Methodist Way of Life
The commitments of A Methodist Way of Life provide a compass for Christian living. Follow the link below to find out more: A Methodist Way of Life
The Methodist Church
To find out more about the vision and values of the Methodist church, here is a link to our connexional website: The Methodist Church in Britain