Prayer Life
Prayer is the heartbeat of the Church. The whole life of the Church – its worship, mission and service is underpinned and upheld by prayer.
Room 3 on the Lower Ground Floor is our designated Prayer Room and is available for personal use when the building is open. It offers a quiet space to pray and reflect. There are various aids to help you, if needed, including a book for your own reflections and prayers.
A short service of prayer for our church and community is led by Sally in the prayer room on Wednesday mornings at 9.00 am.
There is a Prayer Board in the Foyer of the Church’s front entrance where requests for prayer can be made. These will be used the following week in our morning worship.
Urgent prayer requests for someone in need can be sent by text or ‘phone to 24 people on our Prayer Tree, via our Prayer Coordinator. If possible, please obtain the person’s permission before making a request. Contact Marian to avail yourself of this service.
If you wish for someone to pray with you over the ‘phone, please feel free to contact Marian Emery.
Revd Deborah Mallett – Minister 01275 852473 Marian Emery – Pastoral Care Co-ordinator 0777 860 7191