Christians Together
Christians Together in Nailsea & District (CTINAD) affirm a shared calling to serve the community in active witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek ways to express the love of God for all people, to express our unity in joint prayer and worship where appropriate, and to support one another's work in mutual trust and co-operation.
There is an Activities Leaflet and a new Warm Spaces Leaflet.
We are committed to doing together that which is better done together. Some current examples of this creative collaboration include:
Open the Book
Since 2017, we have been part of the acclaimed UK Bible Society Open the Book project. Our teams of storytellers visit local primary schools on a weekly basis to share bible stories during assemblies. Our visits are well-received by pupils and teachers alike and always involve a superb script, fun and frolics with props and costumes and a good deal of lively audience participation! Open the Book
Syrian Refugee Support Group
In 2016, distressing pictures of boats filled with refugees prompted us to ask what response we could make here to the plight of those made homeless by the war in Syria. After prayer and consultation we began a partnership with North Somerset Council to offer hospitality to two refugee Syrian families, now resident in Nailsea. They are supported towards integration and independent living by a committed team of church and community volunteers. For more information, please contact our NMC rep Ceri Bowen via our Church Office.
Free Debt Counselling
In 2018 Christians Together in Nailsea joined forces with Christians across a wider area to support the opening of a local Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre in Portishead. Free debt counselling and money management courses are offered on a regular basis at Holy Trinity Church, Nailsea. For further details, please ring Holy Trinity Nailsea Office on 01275 853227 Christians Against Poverty
Connect Chaplaincy - Nailsea School
Our largest shared undertaking in recent years. Since 2014, Christians Together have supported a part-time Schools' Worker in our local secondary school. Six years later the post is well-established and our chaplain Neil Wylie much appreciated by pupils, staff and parents. Through Neil our local churches express care and support for the life of our school and an invaluable witness to our Christian faith. Please see our dedicated page for more details about Neil's work.
Good Friday
Each Good Friday CTiNaD host a short time of worship and witness in Nailsea Precinct. In addition to singing, prayer and a talk given by one of the local ministers, hot cross buns are handed out to passers by and local shop keepers.
Each summer the SkateFest team, supported by CTiNaD run a skate competiton and festival with a short time of testimony before the awards. Local Christians run activities and stalls for children and teens and a faith space. CTiNaD also supply the very popular bouncy castle.
Our Ignite Services offer an opportunity for churches and Christians to gather together in worship. Churches take turns in hosting and local ministers, church leaders or guest speakers lead the services.