Solar Panels
Church Building
As a response to climate change and a desire to reduce the carbon footprint of the church operation, Nailsea Methodist Church (NMC) has installed two photovoltaic (PV) solar arrays. The first is on the west roof of the church building and the second on the west roof of the Wesley building. Both arrays were installed by Solarsense, a local renewable energy company.
The array on the Church was installed in December 2011 and comprises 40 panels of 250w capacity giving a nominal generating capacity of 10kW. (See picture). Since installation the array has generated a total of 87,000kWh of electricity and has saved approximately 7000kWh annually from the church’s own consumption (September 2020 data). The cost of the installation was met by a grant from the national Methodist Church, and gifts and loans from the congregation.
Wesley Building
The array on the Wesley building was installed in September 2018 and comprises 56 panels of nominal 275w capacity giving a nominal generating capacity of 15.4kW. Since installation the array has generated a total of 30,000kW of electricity and saved approximately 3000kWh annually from the church’s own consumption. The installation was paid for out of income generated by the first installation through the feed in tariff scheme. This income is also being set aside for other environmental work.