House Groups
House Groups
Away from the church premises, but very much a part of its life, are the house groups. House groups are small fellowship groups which meet in the evening or in the afternoon. All our house groups seek to relate faith to everyday life in a very accessible way. Some focus on studying the Bible and looking at different ethical and moral issues, some invite speakers and others are simply a supportive place for friendship and chat.
The Nomads
Learning, caring & sharing through Bible study. Alternate Wednesday evenings, various locations. Contact John Payne 01275 855522
Fellowship & discussion about faith. Alternate Wednesday afternoons. St Marys Grove, Nailsea. Contact Peter or Diane 01275 851372
For Bible study and prayer. Alternate Friday evenings. Medway Avenue, Nailsea at 7:30pm. Contact Revd. David Sharp 01275 859473
Contact: Marian Emery (01275) 855991 or Revd. Sally Ratcliffe for more information.