Rabbit Handle

This copper tub used to be in the greenhouse of my father in law, holding the recycled compost.

As our green house is too small to keep it inside and the tub hadn't lost it purpose I made this top, to keep the rain out.

The big circle was cut by hand (the router is just a tiny bit too mall for such a project...) but the handle and its stand were cut on the router

The rabbit on top is about 200mm x 150 mm.

I used a 3.175mm flat end bit for most of it, except the gab between the legs and the eye, for which I used a 1.6mm flat end bit.

Material is 13 mm moist/water resistant ply, treated with Ronseal wood stain.
To stop excess moisture building up in the tub (and the related fungi) I added little blocks, so the tub is not sealed close, but the air can circulate.