Cut Outs

After creating some samples with the router, I tried to cut the slats from the horizontal blind with the laser. After a couple trial squares, I came to the following settings in Lightburn:

Speed: 550
Power: 65%
Pass Count: 9 (A pass count of 8 already cut it, but sometimes there are little hooks still connected, which makes it a pain to get the letters out of the wood)

I could use a higher power setting, but as I don't want to wear out my laser too quickly I try to keep the power rating medium...

To ensure not too much soot was on the wood (as I don't have air assist) I used painter's tape to protect the surface.

To ease the letters out (as i t is potentially quite fragile), I cut extra lines in the remaining stock, so you end up with lots of little bits, which detach them self easily.

A wedding present, reflecting the personalities of the couple getting married.
Cut out of 3mm ply (pine) at 600 mm/min 80% 6 passes

Yesterday is gone,
Tomorrow might not come
Today is what you own
Carpe Diem

21 cm diameter on 3mm ply

Think Positive




Ear rings

Own design, super light...