Drawer cabinet

The story is a bit sad... We had lovely neighbours, Alec & Jean, living across the road. Alec used to be a woodwork teacher and Jean used to run a post office / village store in some local village. Quite some time ago, he had made a little cabinet, with 5 drawers. With lovely veneer. A piece of art. Jean kept some of her necklaces and brooches in it. One day, a year or so after Alec died, 5 men came and held Jean at gun point, while they ransacked her house. They found the cabinet and took the 5 drawer with content. That left Jean very upset. After Jean also passed away, we helped the family clearing the house and we were given de cabinet -obviously without the drawers. So, now with the precision of the CNC, I could maker drawers and the cabinet could have a use again.

Every drawer had to be made with slightly different dimensions - the original cabinet was hand made!
I used 3 mm ply wood, and coloured it, to fit better with the cabinet. When you open a drawer, you see a little rabbit engraved in the bottom.
Rather than buying some fancy knobs, we used specially selected buttons.