Lettering 1

When installing horizontal blinds, I had to take of a number of slats, which I kept in the workshop, as you never know when it may become handy...

The other day, I was sorting out stuff and came across them. Mmmm... Would you be able to cut them on the router? They are about 2mm thick and about 35mm wide... So let's try... I broke about 7 bits, but I think I have sorted it now...

Design in Fusion 360

Bit: 0.8mm Feed rate: 80 mm/min (!), Max stepdown 0.2 mm.

Looking at the latest I did (Friendship, I found that the cutting edge was a bit ragged (you can see that if you enlarge the photo). Probably by wear of the bit as the earlier ones were better. But that was only after 4 or 5 (including the test pieces, not suitable for display 😊).
So I tried it with the laser. This is more like it! I explain the process I followed here.