Memorial plaque

David and Elizabeth were good friends of ours, who moved during the pandemic to our neighbourhood. During the pandemic, first Elizabeth passed away and later the same year David. David was an amazing man, who could turn his hand to anything. Cooking, gardening, computer, woodwork, he could do it. In the short period they were here we spend many hours (but still not enough) with them. One of the projects David was working on, was to renovate a bench , which is in the porch of the church in Eye (Suffolk, UK) where he used to go to. Only only had started. Kevin, Elizabeth son, was planning to do it while he was over to deal with the personal assets, but he run out of time. So I picked it up and while working on it, I thought it would be nice to have a little plaque in remembering of David and Elizabeth. We got permission from the church council and this was for me an opportunity to try to engrave aluminum. I had a number of tries, almost run out of material, but the final one was good.

The letters were engraved with a 10 degree bit, feed rate was 150 mm/min. the contour was with 3.175mm flat nose, 100 mm/min and multiple depths 0.3 mm. Quite a noisy job, but the result is well worth it.

Elsa, David's puppy