
Andy Halter

This project is a mini analog horror video series revolving around the Virtual Reality (VR) industry. The project asks: "What would happen if one major company gained dominance over the Virtual/Augmented reality industry?"


Major tech companies such as Meta, Sony, and HTC are already attempting such monopoly, and I wanted to explore this question through the lens of an immersive experience. In particular, by building parallels between the fictitious "Omni" company and companies we know today, I hope viewers will walk away from this reflecting on the hidden dangers of this tech landscape.

About the Artist

For my art, I combine digital video with a very detailed amount of editing techniques – such as video distortion, and complex sound design – to spark discussion and reflection.


I use video as my primary form of art medium because it allows me to convey my message and ideas clearly and effectively. In my work I take inspiration from technology, both past and present, and horror. An example of this, is a short piece on the Rubik's cube – a puzzle which may seem trivial to some, and impossible to most – which features shots of Rubik's-cube-like puzzles edited in abstract ways.


As ongoing elements of my practice, I am continuing to develop my virtual-reality-centered Youtube channel, and working with various organizations – including the University of San Diego – to build my knowledge and portfolio.