Esperanza Rising

Understanding Mexican History

Art Lesson with Diego Rivera inspiration This is another youtuber who make a great video for kids to draw like Diego Rivera. Esperanza Rising is a great book to bring in all that art!

Discussing Art within the Mexican Revolution this can be a standalone project, either for your advanced learners, or on a sub day. It takes some images from the American revolution and the Mexican Revolution, and has students discuss their art value and write a short paragraph. 

Other Free Links from other Creators 

Obsessed with Learning This site has five activities associated with the book.


Once students are about half way through the book, we can start talking and learning about theme.  The final exam is for students to choose a theme, write about it and support that theme with textual evidence.  So half-way through the book, use this slideshow and activity to start the conversation.  Then, after another chapter or two, follow up with PART TWO.   Modify the slideshow to include your students input from the first part.  Finally, give them the final exam.

In summary,

Student Journal

Theme Slideshow & Activity PART ONE

Theme Slideshow & Activity PART TWO

Final Exam