Random History
History that everyone forgot... but needs
Zip Codes
The zone improvement plan was created in order to help the mail delivers deliver mail more efficiently. You know that there is like 15,000 towns name Springfield right? Use this website here to help kids learn about their own ZIP Codes.
Whether you teach American History in 5th grade or 8th or 10th, this timeline can work in your classroom! Print out the entire document, cut out each box, glue to colored construction paper, laminate and done!
My daily routine for this goes like this: When the date comes up on the calendar, such as October 6, 2022, I give the class some hints "What happened today that changed the world forever? I will give you a hint: it was before the internet, before television but just after radio. My dad was seventh months old when it happened...?" Sometimes their guesses are absolutely hilarious. Finally, I tell them "Movies got sound!" I put the card on the larger timeline bulletin board in the order of the year it happened. So all my 1920s stuff is all together. I found this to be a very good way to help kids understand time, and also review those very important historical events.
Click on the document on the left to get the PDF.
Little Drummer Boy
This old man was once a little boy. When this old man sat down to have his picture taken, it was 1864 and photography was brand new. He wanted to sit for a picture to show everyone what special thing he did when he was ten years old. He was 104 years old in this picture. When he was ten years old, he was the drummer boy for General Washington. His name is Alexander Millener. How's that for pretty cool?
"He was a great favorite, he says, with the Commander-in-Chief, who used frequently, after the beating of the reveille, to come along and pat him on the head, and call him his boy." Click on the image to get the full story. Very heart warming to realize the things you do at ten-years old can vibrate in the heart of your countrymen over 250 years later.
Secrets from Death Valley
The world is getting hotter. The climate is changing. However, the people of the Timbisha Land already know what to do. They have been living in the hottest place on earth for centuries... and there is another creature there in..... A fish that lives in conditions so hot and isolated that it should not survive, according to every other fish species on the planet. Yet, there they are, swimming around a secret cavern, holding secrets we need. Listen to the story of the Timbisha land and we might just find out the answer we need have been here all along.
The Children's Crusade
When a kid tells you, "I hate school! Why do I even have to go?" Then, teach that child about Mary Harris Jones. There was time, you know, when the children marched on Washington, all the way to the White House. The president refused to see them. Mary Harris Jones lead them there. In fact, she is the woman behind the song, "She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes..." This lady made America what it is today because she made education possible for everyone. How is it history book skipped her over?
The Yokuts
Living in Central California, our history books are full of Seminoles, Cherokees, Apaches ... and hardly any tribes from California. So, here is little bit on the people of Central California.
Everyday Heroes: Bob Fletcher
History is full of horrible things... It is not our job as educators of children to show them the horrors yet. The kids I teach are 10 years old. But sometimes it can't be avoided… Sometimes the kids will find a book about Japanese internment camps, or about the Holocaust, or about refugees from Syria… So the thing I do is constantly teach about heroes. Just like Mr. Rogers said, whenever something goes wrong, look around for the heroes because they're always there. Bob Fletcher is one of these heroes. He saw an injustice in 1942 in California and did his best to make it right.
Everyday Hero: Mike Illitch
Do you know Rosa Parks? Yeah, that lady on the bus, the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement? Well, life wasn't all roses after her boycotting busses. She wasn't some national hero immediately afterwards. Turns out her apartment was robbed and she had to move: She just didn't feel safe anymore. She moved to a safer, and more expensive, area. Could she afford the rent? Not really. But this guy? See this old dude? Heart of gold, this guy. He owns Little Caesar's Pizza and he owns the Detroit Tigers. He quietly paid Rosa Parks rent for over 10 years. His name is Mike Iiitch.
Everyday Hero: Clair Cameron Patterson
Mr. Clair Cameron is the greatest scientist you never heard of. Listen to this: When cars were new, and gasoline was new, people were unknowingly poisoning themselves. Cars, at the beginning, made this loud obnoxious sound.... you know what was added to the gasoline that made them all quieter and better? Lead. All the scientists who figured this out rejoiced at how they had improved the automobile! Turns out lead makes race cars faster, too. Then, everyone loved leaded gasoline.
Not Clair Cameron. He was busy trying to figure out the age of Earth.
While doing some experiments to figure out the age of Earth, he could not figure out why too much lead continued to show up in his experiments... Until he realized his lab was contaminated with it. So, he scrubbed all the glassware, used fresh clean water and started again. The lead showed up again. When he started looking for the source, turns out lead was now everywhere in the environment: the air, the water, the food supply, breast milk, hair follicles, tree bark. This is when the hero inside him woke up. After fighting relentless for decades, being ignored, bribed, threatened, going to Congress, going to the press, being ignore and ignored and ignored.... He never gave up: This was too important.
Clair Cameron stopped the most prolific poisoning of the Earth that has ever occurred. He got the lead out of gasoline. And the world doesn't know his name. But, now you do. Be a Clair Cameron.
Follow the poop
Now, my good friends, Lewis and Clark traveled all around the North American continent. They made maps; they took surveys and they brought back some information, still trying to find a route to Asia. Now the thing is, everyone poops. Just not everyone drinks mercury in order to poop better. One of the ways that scientists follow the exact trail is to find out how much mercury is in the soil when the Lewis and Clark party pooped with their super strong laxatives… which contained unusual amounts of mercury. Don't believe me read the article to the left.
Don't give him the time of day!
Well, in England there is a town called Chester. They bordered Wales. One of the churches in Chester, England had a clock tower with only three faces: One facing north, one facing east, one facing west. In other words, if you were south in Wales, you could not see the clock. The English disliked the Welsh so much they purposefully built a clock they couldn't see. They didn't even "give them the time of day." Hence, the insult still persists today.
Best History Memes ever!
You scrolled all the way down... this means that you enjoyed my work. Yes, it is free. Yes, there is no obligation... besides telling me if there is a spelling error or something... But, you know, I do like coffee... and I am not going to say no if you want to buy me a cup of coffee via Venmo. I am @AmaraLee-Brenner.