Hall of Fame Families

The Brittain Family (2008 – 2016)  Isaiah (3), Sam (4), and Ezra (4) played a combined 11 years of Thunder Basketball, making them the family that has played the most years.  Isaiah, Sam and Ezra are all members of the Hall of Fame.  Mr. and Mrs. Brittain  were involved with driving players to and from games, organizing and supervising team parties and sleepovers, and providing tons of support and advice to Mr. Epp and the players.

The Hauck/Eldridge Family (2004 – 2008) – The first family of Thunder Basketball.  Corey and Denelle each played for two years, both making the Hall of Fame.  Mrs. Hauck and Mr. Eldridge were involved in driving players to and from games, organizing team parties, and giving massive support and advice to Mr. Epp and the players.

The Lal Family (2004 – 2017) – Jordan (1), Austin (2), Aidan (4), and Owen (5) played a combined 12 years of Thunder Basketball, the most ever for members of 1 family.  Aidan and Owen are members of the Hall of Fame.  Mr. and Mrs. Lal were involved with driving players to and from games, helping supervise sleepovers, and providing lots of support and advice to Mr. Epp and the players.  Mr. Lal was also the warm up assistant coach for 2 years of club basketball.  Jordan spent time coaching and reffing as well.

The Toor/Benipal Family (2008-2019)  Jashan, Preet, Little Bob (Gurkaran), Jot, and Puff Daddy (Pavi) played a combined 11 years of Thunder Basketball.  Jashan and Jot are both members of the Hall of Fame.  Mrs. Toor has driven more players to and from games than any other family ever.  She also provided tons of support (and butter chicken) to Mr. Epp over the years.  Jashan and Little Bob have spent time coaching while in middle school and high school.