Hall of Fame Criteria

As of March 2013, here is the criteria for entering the Thunder Basketball Hall of Fame:

1)  The player must have an excellent grade 5 year or very good grade 4 and 5 years.

2)  The player must be integral to the success of their Thunder Basketball team, through a combination of scoring, passing, rebounding, and defence.  The team must have been able to count on that player time and time again.

3)  Mr. Epp must consider the other members of the Hall of Fame, and feel that the player belongs in the same group as the current members of the Hall of Fame.

4)  The player must demonstrate a strong work ethic throughout their Thunder Basketball career, but particularly in grade 5.  Any off-season (summer, Christmas break, spring break) practicing goals must be completed.

5)  The player must demonstrate strong leadership skills, responsibility, and teamwork, especially in grade 5.

6)  The player must have been a part of at least one session of spring grade 3/4 basketball.  The player must be a grade 5 coach in spring grade 3/4 basketball.

7)  Stronger teams will have more players enter the Hall of Fame.  No more than 5 players can enter the Hall of Fame in one year.

To keep their place in the Hall of Fame, a player must:

1)  Come back and play with/against the younger players at least 4 times in grade 6.


2)  Come back and play with/against the younger players at least 2 times in grade 7.

If a Hall of Fame player does not meet these obligations, they will be taken out of the Hall of Fame, unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as the player moving out of Abbotsford).

Each year, Mr. Epp can select one middle school or high school player for late entry into the Hall of Fame.  This player could be chosen for one of three reasons.

1)  The player has gone on to have an excellent middle school or high school basketball career.


2)  The player has continued to give excellent service to Thunder Basketball while in middle school or high school.  This could take the form of continuing to come back to help with the younger kids, or often coming back to play games with/against the younger kids.


3)  Mr. Epp made a mistake and wishes he would have put the player in the Hall of Fame back in grade 5.