Police by Jessie

Kira dared not to breathe. She was lying down flat on her back on the hard floor. The robber was holding his gun in the air while screaming orders.

Kira covered her ears and looked around. People were scattered on the floor. Some were praying and some were cursing under there lips. Kira looked down.

She thought of Alex. If she died, who would be his friend? She was his only friend. What would happen to Lucky? He would be waiting all day for her to jump over the fence and scratch him behind his ears.

What would happen to all her stuff? Would her parents sell it all to neighbors and snotty rich kids? She hasn’t even turned eleven yet.

“Hey!” Kira looked up. The robber was telling a man to lay down. The man stood up.

“I’ll let you know that the police is on their way.” he said pointing a fat finger at the robber.

“Well, is that so? Well, thank you for volunteering to be my hostage.” the robber smiled and took hold of the man.

He struggled under the robber’s grip but, the robber was too small.

“You!” he pointed the gun at the banker lady. “Fill up these bags. Now!” he said throwing three sacks at her.

The lady quickly filled them up.

All of a sudden several police cars came speeding. Officers came racing out of the cars with guns.

Kira looked up. She was glad that it wasn’t her who was under the strong grip of the robber and have a gun pointed to her head.

The robber turned around. He grinned and walked out to the top of the stairs.

“You police officers even think of shooting me, he dead!” he said. The man started sweating. He closed his eyes waiting for the sound of the gun shooting.

Inside, everyone started talking.

“What are we going to do?” a women asked.

“They ‘betta shoot him down our I’ll get ma daddy over here so he can shoot him in the head.” a little girl about Kira’s age said.

“WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!” shouted a women. She stood up and started running around the room.

“Huh?” The robber turned around and stared at the insane women. “Hey!” He pointed the gun at her. She saw him and quickly sat down.

“We all need to be quiet and stay calm.” Kira said. Everyone nodded and settled down. Her father smiled at her.

The robber shook his head and turned around.

All of a sudden a bolt of electricity raced through his body.  He dropped the gun. A police man was beside him holding the taser in place.

The robber started flinching and fell to the ground twitching.

A different police officer took hold of his arms and put hand cuffs on him.

Kira breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly got up and ran to her dad.

The robber stared at her a growled. Oh was he ever mad. Kira smiled. She stuck out her tongue and waved. The robber bared his teeth as he got into a police car.

Kira’s dad took hold of her hand a smiled.

“Come on,” he said. “let’s go home.”

Kira and her dad strolled home. happy that they were alive. As always, Lucky was waiting for the both of them.