The Dragon Eye by Jessie


Long ago there was a pearl that had the power of the dragons. It was called the dragon eye. It was protected by the fairies. The fairies were good friends of the dragons.

After the underworld found out about the pearl, they attacked.

After the attack no one knew what had happened to the pearl.

Some said that it was lost in all the mess , but no one found it.

Whoever had the pearl, could use all of it’s power to rule the world.

That’s the only question.


Xiao had black hair that looked like a giant mop on top of his head. His blue eyes were always filled with adventure.

Hours ago he was running around fairy forest when he saw it.

An electric blue pearl the size of his palm.

Like any other kid , he picked it up.

Xiao lay on his bed. He had the pearl laying on top of his stomach.

He was just staring off into space.

Xiao sat up. He scooped up the pearl and held it in his hand.

He reached over to his bed-side table and popped open a little golden box that his father had made for him.

Xiao had called it his Golden Box.

Xiao carefully placed the pearl into his Golden Box and shut it.

Xiao slammed down on his bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Xiao had a weird dream. He dreamed that he was talking to a dragon.

The dragon played with fire. Xiao knew that the dragon was trying to tell him something. He just didn’t know what.

Then the dragon turned to him. He almost seemed like he was smiling at him.

Then it pointed at something. It looked like a temple.

The dragon dug into the ground and held up the pearl Xiao had found.

He placed it into the temple.

Then the dragon opened it’s mouth and…………

“XIAO!!! Mommy want you downstairs and for breakfast!” Cried Xiao’s little brother Keedo.

“Uh? Oh hi Keedo, I’ll be down in a minute ok?” Xiao said really rather annoyed.

“Otay.” Keedo said. He ran out of Xiao’s room and down the stairs.

Xiao popped open his box and stared at the pearl he had found the day before.

“What are you trying to say?” Xiao mumbled under his breath.

Xiao closed his box and got dressed.

“Good morning Xiao.” Xiao’s father said.

“Morning dad.” Xiao said. Xiao took a piece of bread and spread butter all over his piece.

“Dad…. “Xiao said.

“Yes…” He mumbled.

“I…I found a pearl when I was playing in Fairy Forest.” Xiao said. Xiao stared in his eyes. He knew that something he said was a concern.

“Can I see it?”He choked.

“Sure. I’ll just go up and get it.” Xiao ran up the stairs into his room.

He placed it onto the kitchen table.

Xiao’s dad just stared at it. His face turned pale.

Xiao knew it was bad.

“Th…th..this is the.. “He stopped.

“What?” Xiao asked curiously.

“The Dragon Eye!” He yelled.

Xiao had never heard of The Dragon Eye before.

“What is the Dragon Eye, dad?”Xiao asked.

“It’s a long story son, so make sure you’re comfy.


Xiao waited for his father to start the story about the Dragon Eye.

“Okay. Long ago, there were four old dragons that had the power of all the dragons.”

As they grew older, they got weaker.

They decided to put all of their power together in a pearl called the Dragon Eye. The pearl held all the power of the dragons.

The pearl was protected by the fairies, who kept it in a box and sealed it shut.

Soon the underworld found out about the pearl and decided to attack to get the pearl.

“So did they get the pearl?” Xiao asked.

“No. After the war the pearl got lost and no one ever found it.” Xiao’s dad took a sip of his orange juice. “Whoever had found it had to bring it back to the Fire Temple. It was far up the mountain. But nobody had found the pearl so no one brought it back so…” Xiao’s dad trailed off.

“So …” Xiao said.

“So… whoever finds it has to take it to the Fire Temple so the dragons can have the power back.”

Xiao’s face turned ghost white.

“That means that I have to go to the Fire Temple?” Xiao choked.

“Yes,” Xiao’s dad said quietly.

Xiao got out of his chair and ran upstairs to his room.


Let’s go back when Xiao’s dad was telling Xiao the story.

They were not aware that a spy was watching them and listening to every word spoken.

The spy was a crow. It was a spy for the underworld and worked for Gondar the king of the underworld.

The crow flew back to the underworld after the conversation was over.

“Gondar, sir,” the crow said.

“Speak, Spaco!” Gondar grunted.

“Yes, well sir, I was over at the village when I heard it,” Spaco said.

Gondar’s eyebrow rose.

“What exactly did you hear Spaco?” Gondar said in a deep voice.

“Well I heard about the story of the attack for the pearl. You know when the underworld attacked,” Space said.

“I KNOW ABOUT THE STORY!” Gondar growled. As he yelled his face turned dark red from yelling.

“Sorry, Gondar. Anyway, I found out that the boy that was there had found the Dragon Eye.” Spaco flew to Gondar’s throne.

“So the boy has it, eh?” Gondar grunted.

“Yes, I’m sure. I saw it with my own eyes.” Spaco fluffed his feathers as he spoke.

“Name of boy?” Gondar asked. Gondar’s eyebrow rose up again.

“I’m not sure, but the only name I heard was Xiao,” Spaco answered.

“Ah well, we have to pay a little visit then,” Gondar spoke.

“You mean me and you?” Spaco asked.

“I’m not going, you are,” Gondar said.

Spaco sighed. Then he flew back towards the village where he was spying on Xiao.


Xiao was lying on his bed. He was thinking about the Fire Temple and how he was to bring the Dragon Eye to the temple.

Xiao sat up and looked out his window. He looked up at the mountain and tried to see the Fire Temple.

“Must be hidden in all the trees and bushes.” Xiao mumbled.

Xiao went to his bed-side table and opened his Golden Box. Inside was the Dragon Eye.

Xiao picked it up and held it in his hand.

“How am I gonna get you to the Fire Temple eh?” Xiao said.

Xiao put the pearl back in the box and fell asleep.


The next day Xiao went to Fairy Forest. On his way there he picked up his friend Zeek.

“So how long are we gonna be at Fairy Forest?” Zeek asked.

“Well my mom said that I had to be home by supper and she said that you could come over.” Xiao answered.

Xiao and Zeek talked all the way to Fairy Forest.

“Ah here it is.” Xiao said.

“Yep. I just love the sign,” Zeek said walking up to touch it.

“So what are we gonna do today?” Xiao asked.

“Maybe we could go see Zanna today?” Zeek said while heading towards Fairy City.

“Okay. We will go see Zanna today so let’s go!” Xiao and Zeek started to run.


Zanna had black hair with pink streaks. Her hair was always in pigtails.

Her eyes were purple. She wasn’t a normal fairy. In fact she was a Dark Fairy.

Xiao and Zeek didn’t care that Zanna was a dark fairy.

Xiao and Zeek had a crush on her but they were good friends of Zanna.

The have known her since they were three.

Xiao knocked on Zanna’s door.

The knob started to turn and out popped Zanna.

“Oh hi, Xiao. Hi Zeek. I’ll be out in a sec,” Zanna shut the door.


Spaco flew to the underworld. His head full of information.

Gondar was waiting for him on his throne.

Spaco flew in from one of the many windows Gondar had.

“Any information?” Gondar asked.

“Well not much but I found out that Xiao has two other friends that know.” Spaco fluffed his feathers.

“Is that all you have to say? I mean that’s all just he has two friends that have found out about the pearl?” Gondar’s face turned red.

“There’s more. His friend ran into the forest this after noon because she got mad.” Spaco said.

“Why is that important?” Gondar asked.

“She probably went deep into the woods and got lost or something.” Spaco answered.

“And this is important because?” Gondar said.

“The people might have a search party and that’s when we could attack. When their not ready.” Spaco excitedly said.

“I see your point. I like it. We are always prepared and they are not.” Gondar laughed.

“What can I do to help sir?” Spaco asked.

“Go tell the soldiers to get ready. We are gonna attack and finally get the Dragon Eye!” Gondar cried.

“Yes we will.” Spaco said as he took off.


Zeek said goodbye to Xiao and went into his house. Zeek couldn’t come over for dinner.

Xiao walked towards his house.

I’m an idiot!Xiao thought.

Xiao looked up and saw the few lights from the village.

Xiao opened his door to his house.

“Hi Xiao. A little late?”Xiao’s dad said.

“Sorry I was out with Zeek and Zanna. “Xiao looked down.

“I’m not hungry dad sorry but Im gonna go up to my room and to bed. “Xiao started up the stairs.


Xiao’s eye’s flashed open. His dad was right in front of him.

“Xiao Zanna’s missing. Her parents said that you were with her so do you know where she is?”Xiao’s dad flicked on a lantern.

Xiao rubbed his eye’s. He sat up in his bed.

Downstairs was Zanna’s parents.

“Is this a search party?” Xiao sleepily asked.

“Yes so get on your coat and search!” Xiao’s dad said.

Xiao ran towards the woods that Zanna had ran into.

He creeped into the darkness and tried to see any movement. But he couldn’t see that well with all the darkness around him.

He started to move forward when he heard a faint cry.

He tried to see what had made the noise.

“Zanna!” He cried. He walked towards the faint cry.

Xiao walked into an open space where the moon shone to the ground.

Xiao glanced around and saw a flash of purple.

Zanna he thought as he walked towards it.

Zanna’s head lifted up from her hands. She was crying.

“Go away!” She shouted. She dried her face with her sleeve.

“Zanna everyone is looking for you. Your parents are worried sick!” Xiao sat down beside her.

“Why did you run off like that?” Xiao asked.

“I…I was scared you were going to get hurt or die on your journey. I mean we are best friends. Me you and Zeek.” She looked down at the ground.

“Come on let’s take you home to your parents.” Xiao and Zanna stood up and started to walk when a black horse jumped over a bush.

On it was a man from the underworld.


Xiao was frozen with fear. Having a horse jump over him and finding out a worker of Gondar was on it scared him.

The horse didn’t even see Xiao or Zanna.

That was just good luck Xiao thought.

After the made sure the horse was out of sight they slowly started to walk towards the village.


Xiao and Zanna hid behind an old rock wall behind an old barn.

Xiao couldn’t believe his eyes. All of the houses in the village were burnt.

Xiao thought about his mother,father and his little brother Tommy. He hoped they were ok.

From the other side of a house,a dragon rose and riding it was Gondar.

It had golden scales that glowed with the light of the fire. It’s tail looked like a giant fork. The teeth had made Xiao and Zanna shiver.

The dragon bared it’s teeth and growled.

It walked towards the other part of the village.

Xiao and Zanna slid past the wall ducking down when any part of a horse was seen.

But they finally got to Xiao’s house.

Inside Xiao’s mother and father were packing for a long stay in the basement.

“Dad, they’re here to steal the pearl!”Xiao shouted.

“I know that’s why we are packing.” Xiao’s dad packed some food in a bag.

“Come on down to the basement I have to give you something,” Xiao’s dad said heading down the stairs to the basement.

Xiao followed his father to the basement.

By the time Xiao got down to the basement his dad was taking out a box and blowing the dust off of it.

Xiao’s dad opened the box and lying there was a golden sword.

“This was my dads sword until he gave it to me to fight.” Xiao’s dad took it out of the box and handed it to Xiao.

“I….this is wonderful dad but…..why are you giving it to me?”Xiao asked.

“Because you will need a sword on your journey.” Xiao’s dad closed the box and put it back on a shelf.

Upstairs Zanna was waiting for Xiao.

“Here before you go take this.” Zanna untied her fairy necklace and put it on Xiao.

“And take this for good luck too,” Zanna said as she leaned over and kissed Xiao on the cheek.

Xiao blushed and ran out the door.


Xiao had ducked many times when even an inch of horse was seen. Just to be on the safe side.

He started to walk towards the mountain when he found that the place was deserted. He looked but he saw nothing.

Then he heard a faint growl.

He though that it was a dog or something.

But he heard it again and found that it was coming from a nearby barn.

Xiao creeped by the barn straining to hear the sound again.

When he got to the old barn, he thought that it was just his imagination but he decided to go in.

The door was heavy and hard to open. But Xiao managed to open it.

The second he opened it the smell came to him.

It smelled like a dead animal had been in there forever.

Xiao held his nose and looked around.

Then he saw it. A bright flash of green.

Xiao walked towards the flash of green and saw that it was a scale.

A dragon’s scale.

Xiao picked it up and saw that it truly was a dragon’s scale.

Out of the corner of the barn was the faint growl.

Xiao looked up and dropped the scale.

In the corner of the barn was a dragon.


Xiao hesitated. He had never seen a real live dragon before. He was shocked. He thought that they all had died.

The dragon bared it’s teeth and growled at Xiao.

Xiao bent over and picked up the scale that he had dropped.

Xiao held the scale out in front of him and slowly walked over to the dragon.

When he got to the dragon he bowed and held up the scale as a peace offering.

The dragon just looked at him and stopped baring it’s teeth and growling.

Xiao placed the scale in front of the dragon’s paw.

The dragon bowed back at Xiao and grabbed the scale.

Xiao reached over and started petting the dragon.

The dragon put it’s head down and lifted Xiao up onto it’s back with it.

Then the happiness faded when a man from the underworld pushed open the door.


The man rose up his sword. The dragon started growling again.

“So this is truly the man or should I say boy who found it?” the man asked.

“So what’s wrong with being small?” Xiao asked the man.

“Well, prepare to die!” The man jumped off the horse onto the dirt.

The dragon thrashed it’s paws at the man.

As the dragon did so, Xiao jumped off it and took out his sword.

“Back off!” Xiao told the man.

“Or else?” the man said.

“Or I’ll cut you into a million pieces! Xiao cried.

“Prepare to eat your words little boy! The man charged at Xiao.

But Xiao was too tricky. He dodged the sword and hit the man in the back.

The man yelped in pain.

Xiao held the sword ready for another attack.

“I guess this is it. You defeated me,” the man said quietly.

Xiao slowly put down the sword.

“FOOL!” the man cried.

He jumped onto Xiao and pinned him down.

“Any last words?” The man had the sword at Xiao’s neck.

“Prepare to die!” Xiao screamed. He lifted his sword and stuck it in the man’s stomach.

The man slumped on Xiao and died.

Xiao lifted him off. He rose to his feet and looked at the dragon.

“Can you help me get to the Fire Temple?” Xiao asked.

The dragon lifted him up and flew out of the barn.


Xiao was scared at first. He had never flown on a dragon before.

As he flew in the air,Xiao saw that people from his village were fighting. For him.

Xiao tried not to think about people dying and killing each other.

The dragon flew towards the mountain.

“I’ve decided that I will name you Spike.” Xiao said to the dragon.

Spike seemed like he was happy that his name was Spike.

“Come on we have to hurry. I don’t want to run into anymore people from the underworld.” Xiao said trying to make it sound clear to Spike.

Spike’s wings went faster after Xiao had told him to hurry.

“I guess you understood me huh?” Xiao said into Spike’s ear.

Spike shook his head.

“Sorry. I guess I said it a little to loud.” Xiao started petting Spike.

The moon shown bright and reminded Xiao of his mother’s smile.

As they got closer to the mountain,the harder it was to get on the mountain because all the trees were blocking the way.

“Go down slowly and don’t hit anything.” Xiao told Spike.

Spike did what Xiao said. He dodged any trees that he didn’t see.

Finally Spike came to a stop. Xiao hopped of of Spike’s back and looked around.

There was not a single soul around. Not including Xiao and Spike.

Xiao was surprised. He had thought that there would be at least ten people in the woods to guard the Fire Temple.

Then Xiao heard a noise coming from a nearby tree.

The wind blew across the woods.

Xiao studied the tree,waiting for someone to jump out.

You could have said that Xiao could tell what was going to happen in the future because that is what happened when he was waiting.

Another man from the underworld jumped from behind the tree.

Then another. Then another until there were five men standing in front of Xiao.

Xiao drew out his sword,ready for the attack.

They all came after Xiao. Xiao slashed his sword at them. But there were too many. He couldn’t fight them all.

“SPIKE HELP!” Xiao cried. Spike understood and started whacking the men with his tail.

“YOUR DEAD MEAT KID!” One of the men screamed.

All of the men slashed their swords at Xiao.

Xiao felt a pain run up his chest. He had been hit.

Xiao remembered falling down but,that was it. After that he could only see darkness.


Xiao’s eyes slowly opened. He didn’t know if he was dead or not.

Xiao looked around. He was in a ditch. Then he saw the blood.

It oozed out of his stomach. He had been stabbed.

Xiao felt like he was dead. But he was not.

The necklace that hung from his neck glowed.

Xiao squinted his eyes. But the necklace was too bright.

Finally the necklace stopped. Xiao opened his eyes and saw something floating in the air.

It was a dark fairy.

“Hello.” She said quietly. “I am Kiko, healer.” Xiao looked confused.

“What? How did you get here?” Xiao asked. Kiko fluttered down and sat by Xiao.

“If the person that wears a fairy necklace gets hurt, the healer that made the necklace comes from the necklace to heal the person which is you.” Kiko answered.

“How do you heal?” Xiao said faintly.

“Like this.” Kiko placed her hands on Xiao’s wound and mumbled something.

A bright blue light came from her hands and into Xiao’s wound.

Then it stopped. Xiao sat up and looked at his stomach. It was gone. The stab wound was gone , the blood was gone.

Xiao looked up at Kiko.

“Thank you Kiko.” Xiao said getting up.

“You’re welcome.” Kiko snapped her fingers and poofed away.

Spike’s head appeared from the top of the ditch. Then he flew down beside Xiao.

“Come on. We don’t have much time.

Xiao hopped on Spike and flew of into the purple sky.

They were on their journey again.


Xiao now knew that he was safe. If he got hurt the necklace would glow and Kiko would appear.

But what if she could only come out once?

Xiao suddenly felt scared again.

The sky had turned a pinky orange color. Daytime.

The village was still on fire but not that much. It died down that night.

After checking that there was nobody there, Spike landed next to the forest entrance.

This time Xiao was ready if five people attacked him again.

The forest was full of dead people. People from his village and people from the underworld.

Fairy Forest wasn’t that full of dead people. But there was dead fairies.

A tear ran down Xiao’s cheek. Too much death.

A faint yelp was heard behind a bush.

Xiao went to it holding the sword. He was ready.

Behind the bush was Zeek. Over Zeek was a bull man from the underworld.

Not panicking , Xiao swung his sword and cut off the bullman’s head.

The body fell onto Zeek. He shoved it off.

“Xiao? Is that you?” Zeek got up.

“The one and only.” Xiao said smiling.

“Is that a dragon?” Zeek asked backing off.

“Yep that’s Spike. He is my dragon.” Xiao said. “Wanna ride?” Xiao jumped onto Spike and held out a hand.

Zeek grabbed it and Xiao lifted him up onto the dragon.

“Is there any straps or something?” Zeek asked nervously.

“Your not afraid are you Zeek?” Xiao asked.

“No of course not.” Zeek gulped.

They flew close to the trees until they came to the top of the mountain.

“This is our stop. Come on , the Fire Temple wont be that far away.” Xiao jumped off of Spike.

The sun was up and it was easy to see. There was dead bodies everywhere. Blood lots of blood.

Xiao and Zeek kept walking. Spike following close behind.

They were careful not to step on the bodies.

“Are we there yet?” Zeek asked. “ In fact, where are we going?”

“To the Fire Temple.” Xiao told him looking up so he wouldn’t see the bodies.

“Why?” Zeek said.

“I told you and Zanna remember. Behind the tree and she ran into the forest.” Xiao said. “I have to bring the Dragon Eye to the Fire Temple so the dragons can have their power back.”

They came to a small clearing. There far off into the distance was a square shape.

The Fire Temple.


“Is that it?” Zeek asked. Xiao just stared at the square off into the distance.

“I think so. It’s the exact shape of the temple off in the distance in my dream.” Xiao said.

“Maybe it is the temple in your dream.” Zeek said shrugging.

“It is I know it. It’s the exact same shape as the one in my dream.” Xiao said.

Spike nudged Xiao.

“Sorry boy, but we have to go there by foot.” Spike backed away from them and hung his head down low.

“How come?” Zeek asked. “It will be more dangerous. Besides , if we go there by foot it would take all night.”

“Well…okay. We will ride.” Xiao hopped onto Spike and held out a hand.

Zeek grabbed it and got on. Spike raised his wings and took off.

As they flew, the temple started to actually look like a temple.

Xiao now knew that it soon would be all over.

He knew it.


The wind felt good as it blew across Xiao’s face.

He was ready. Ready to fight off ready to kill. But most of all, ready to bring back power.

The sun was up and shining.

“I think it might be better if we went there at night.” Xiao said looking down.

“Why?” Zeek asked. “Is there a reason?”

“Yes there is. If we go there at noon and there’s guards , they will see us and kill us.” Xiao said. “If we go there at night they won’t see us. So they wont kill us.” Xiao looked up ahead.

“So we are gonna go at night?” Zeek asked.

“Yes. Spike go down and try to stay out of sight. If there is anybody down there I don’t want them to see okay?” Xiao asked into Spikes ear.

Spike nodded and headed down into a clearing.

They waited until darkness fell. They sat in a big tree. With Spike guarding.

Xiao knew that today was the end. The end of the war, the end of running away. Today was the end.

When the sun was going down Xiao and Zeek were getting ready. Ready for anything that would be coming up.

Finally night came. They creeped behind bushes and trees to stay out of sight.

The Fire Temple came into view. They had made it. Well almost made it. They still had to get inside.

There wasn’t any one guarding it.

“What luck.” Zeek said excitedly.

“I don’t know. But we have to.” Xiao said.

They walked towards the entrance. Xiao looked up and saw the same words on the top of the entrance as in his dream.

They were here. Xiao surprised thought that if it was a dream or not.

“I guess you made it this far.” Xiao’s hair on his neck stood up.

That voice wasn’t Zeek’s or his.

Xiao turned around. Behind him was Gondar.


Everything was wrong thought Xiao. Gondar wasn’t supposed to be there. It was all wrong.

Gondar stood there smirking. He wore a white cloak. Around his neck was a necklace of a dragon.

Xiao reached for his sword. He got it and held it up. Ready to attack.

“Please little boy. Do you really think that you can beat a king?” Gondar said. “I mean look at you. You’re tiny.”

“I killed two of your men already. What makes you think I can’t kill you too?” Xiao asked.

Gondar started laughing.

“You will regret that little boy,”Gondar said. “Draco!”

A strong wind blew on all of them. Up in the sky was the golden dragon Xiao had seen.

The dragon landed beside Gondar. The dragon growled. It’s fork-like tail swayed.

Spike growled back.

“Get Him!” Gondar cried. Immediately both of the dragons ran to each other to attack.

Xiao ran towards Gondar to attack. Their swords slashed together.

“Prepare to die little boy!” Gondar slashed his sword on Xiao’s sword.

His sword shook ferociously. Xiao dropped it. It fell to the ground.

Xiao looked up. He couldn’t beat him. He could say that he was dead.

Gondar smirked, raised his sword and slashed.

Xiao stood there. Waiting. His eyes were closed.

Xiao opened his eyes. He wasn’t hurt. Xiao looked and saw Spike lying on the ground. Spike had jumped in front of him when Gondar slashed.

Spike was bleeding. Gondar stood there. Even he was surprised.

Zeek was just standing in front of the entrance. He was there the whole time.

Xiao picked up his sword and walked towards Gondar.

“You have stabbed my dragon. Prepare to die!” Xiao said. He whipped his sword into Gondar’s stomach. Gondar was dazed so it was a perfect hit.

Gondar fell to the ground. Xiao was surprised.

All of a sudden Draco flew from the sky to the ground. Smoke came from his nostrils.

Xiao ran to the entrance of the Fire Temple. He grabbed Zeek and ran inside.

On the walls were ancient drawings. There were drawings of dragon wars.

Xiao shivered. It was cold inside. It hasn’t been on fire for a very long time.

Way in the back was a stone carving of a dragon holding out it’s paw.

The paw was empty. It was waiting for the Dragon Eye.

Xiao took out the Dragon Eye and looked at it. It had no scratches or anything.

“Well I guess my quest is over,” Xiao said. He looked over at Zeek.

“I’m glad you made it Xiao,” Zeek said.

“Okay now I’m gonna end this journey,” Xiao stepped towards the carving and placed the Dragon Eye into the dragons paw.

The instant he put it down, the temple lit on fire.

It was beautiful. Just like in Xiao’s dream.

Xiao remembered Spike and ran out of the temple.

Spike was gone. He wasn’t lying on the ground or anywhere.

Then Xiao heard a noise coming from the sky. He looked up and saw Spike.

Behind him were dragons. Spike was leading the way.

He had done it! The power of the dragons was back.

Spike landed in front of Xiao. The dragons landed behind Spike.

Xiao ran towards Spike and hugged him. He wasn’t hurt!

Xiao jumped on Spike.

Zeek got onto a different dragon. They were all friendly.

They all headed to Xiao’s home. He had done it!


When Xiao returned he found his parents in the basement.

“Xiao?” His dad said. “Is it really you?” He got up.

“Yes, the one and only.” Xiao said.

“Did you really bring the Dragon Eye back?” Xiao’s dad asked.

“Look for yourself.” Xiao said heading up the stairs. His dad followed.

When they got upstairs, Xiao opened the door and standing outside was Spike and all the other dragons.

His dad’s mouth dropped open. He was speechless.

“Did you really do it?” His dad asked.

“Yep. I sure did. And I killed Gondar too,” Xiao said proudly.

“We better tell the king about this,” Xiao’s dad said.

Xiao smiled. He was sitting on a throne next to King Zech.

He was in a ceremony for being brave and bringing back the Dragon Eye.

“This brave boy put his life in danger to bring back the power of the dragons. Now dragons can fly around and live again,” King Zech said loudly.

Xiao stood up and bowed. Everyone clapped for him.

Tommy clapped the loudest. He was proud of his big brother.

“King Zech!” Everyone turned around.

A man ran up to King Zech and bowed.

“What is it?” King Zech asked.

“I bring bad news. Gondar is not dead.” The man said.

People whispered in the crowd.

Xiao clenched his fists together. He walked up to the man.

“How could he I stabbed him!” Xiao threw up his hands.

“That Gondar is tricky,” The man went on.

“I don’t care. What happened?” Xiao yelled.

All the people stopped whispering and listened.

“In his pocket was a bottle of healing potion. Once you left him he reached for it and drank it. And to his dragon.” The man said.

“I’ll kill him.” Xiao ran towards the village. He was stopped by Zanna.

“Xiao. Not now. Maybe later but not now.” Zanna said.

Xiao nodded his head and walked back to King Zech.

“Shall we go on now?” King Zech asked.

“Yes. Yes we are,” Xiao said smiling.

“In honor of bringing back the dragons, I give Xiao this,” King Zech said holding up a shield.

In the middle of it was a picture of a dragon. Around it were flames.

Xiao ran his hand over it.

“Thank you,” Xiao said. He held up his sword.

Everyone cheered.

Zanna ran up to him and kissed him.

King Zech held up his hand.

“We have one more surprise for Xiao,” King Zech turned and faced Xiao. “Xiao, in honor of your bravery we have made a gold statue. It sits in the middle of the village. So everyone can look up and say ‘He was the one who brought back the dragons.’ We want to thank you.” King Zech sat down and waited.

“I have been honored sir. I will continue to fight for my village. Not alone.” Xiao turned around. Spike was sitting behind him. Xiao walked up to him and jumped on.

“Spike will be at my side. And we will fight until there is no more. Gondar will be stopped!” Everyone cheered as Xiao held up his sword that his father gave him. It glittered in the sun light.

No one was aware that a spy was behind a tree nearby. It lifted it’s wings and took off.