Game Results 2007-08

2007-08 Overall Record:  28 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie

2007-08 Elementary School Record:  28 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie

2007-08 Grade 5s Record:  26 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie

2007-08 Clubs Record:  1 win, 0 losses

2007-08  Grade 6s Record:  0 wins, 0 losses

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thunder 54 Dormick Park 2

Thunder 40 South Poplar 0

Thunder 32 South Poplar 0

Offensive Player of the Game:  Jenna Mary 

Defensive Player of the Game: Denelle 

Jenna Mary 32 points, 11 steals, 10 rebounds

Denelle 26 points, 8 assists, 6 rebounds, 6 steals

Tianna 16 points, 11 steals, 4 rebounds, 3 assists

Sarah 14 points, 10 rebounds, 4 steals

Adina 12 points, 15 rebounds, 5 steals

Erin 10 points, 10 steals, 6 assists, 5 rebounds

Maveena 8 points, 13 rebounds, 9 steals, 2 assists

Emily 6 points, 4 steals, 2 rebounds

Maddy 2 points, 3 steals, 2 rebounds

Jaskiat 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Jenny 2 steals

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thunder 32 Ten Broek 0

Thunder 12 King 12

Thunder 28 Blue Jay 2

Thunder 40 St. James 2

Offensive Player of the Game: Denelle 

Defensive Player of the Game: Denelle 

Tianna 26 points, 6 rebounds, 6 steals

Denelle 24 points, 14 steals, 11 assists, 6 rebounds

Jenna Mary 18 points, 13 rebounds, 7 steals

Adina 14 points, 16 rebounds, 4 steals

Maveena 12 points, 8 rebounds, 5 steals

Maddy 10 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Sarah 6 points, 4 steals, 2 rebounds

Erin 2 points, 10 steals, 8 assists, 2 rebounds

Emily 2 points, 5 assists, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Jaskiat 2 points, 3 steals, 2 assists, 2 rebounds

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thunder 20 Dormick Park 4

Thunder 22 South Poplar 4

Thunder 34 South Poplar 0

Offensive Player of the Game:  Amneet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Kevin 

Karman 20 points, 15 rebounds, 9 steals

Amneet 18 points, 8 assists, 8 steals, 7 rebounds

Tim 10 points, 6 assists, 3 steals

Kevin 6 points, 6 rebounds, 4 steals

Dhruv 6 points, 4 steals, 3 rebounds

Amarnoor 4 points, 4 steals, 4 rebounds, 3 assists

Bullfrog 2 points, 7 steals

Aaron 2 points, 3 rebounds, 3 steals

Hushan 2 points, 3 rebounds, 3 steals

Harkirat 2 points, 2 rebounds

Arjun 2 points, 2 assists

Andy 2 points

David 2 rebounds

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thunder 34 Ten Broek 14

Thunder 22 King 6

Thunder 26 Blue Jay 4

Thunder 40 St. James 8

Thunder 28 Harry Sayers 18

Offensive Player of the Game:  Amneet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Kevin 

Karman 36 points, 20 rebounds, 12 steals, 3 assists

Amneet 18 points, 29 assists, 6 rebounds, 3 steals

Denelle 16 points, 13 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals

Amarnoor 16 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Hushan 12 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists

Tim 10 points, 8 assists, 4 rebounds, 2 steals

Kevin 10 points, 10 rebounds, 10 steals

Aaron 10 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals

Harkirat 8 points, 6 rebounds

Dhruv 6 points, 9 rebounds, 5 steals

Bullfrog 4 points, 5 steals

Jacob 4 points, 3 rebounds

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thunder 68 Dormick Park, Clearbrook 40

Offensive Player of the Game:  Tim 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Aaron 

Karman 18 points, 14 rebounds, 5 steals

Tim 14 points, 8 rebounds, 7 assists

Harkirat 10 points, 10 rebounds, 2 steals

Amneet 6 points, 8 assists, 5 rebounds, 3 steals

Zac 4 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals

Amarnoor 4 points, 5 steals, 3 rebounds

Dhruv 4 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Aaron 4 points, 3 steals

Hushan 2 points, 2 rebounds

Bullfrog 2 points

Kevin 2 points

Arjun 3 rebounds

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thunder 104 Dormick Park, Clearbrook 10

Offensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Jenna Mary 14 points, 9 steals, 6 rebounds

Denelle 14 points, 9 steals, 4 assists, 2 rebounds

Sarah 14 points, 4 rebounds, 4 steals

Tianna 14 points, 3 rebounds, 3 steals

Erin 12 points, 12 assists, 12 steals, 9 rebounds

Adina 12 points, 12 rebounds, 6 steals

Maveena 8 points, 7 rebounds, 3 steals

Kiran 6 points, 5 steals, 4 rebounds

Emily 6 points, 5 steals, 3, assists, 2 rebounds

Maddy 2 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Jenny 2 points, 2 rebounds

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thunder 50 Harry Sayers 16

Offensive Player of the Game:  Amneet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Jacob 

Amneet 14 points, 5 steals, 3 assists, 3 rebounds

Bullfrog 12 points, 9 steals, 3 rebounds

Jacob 10 points, 13 steals, 4 rebounds, 2 assists

Arjun 6 points, 3 assists

Dhruv 4 points, 12 rebounds, 3 steals

Andy 2 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals

David 2 points, 2 rebounds

Vinny 2 steals

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thunder 62 Terry Fox 2

Offensive Player of the Game:  Tim 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Karman 

Tim 18 points, 4 steals, 2 rebounds, 2 assists

Karman 12 points, 15 rebounds, 7 steals, 4 assists

Jacob 6 points, 7 steals, 2 assists, 2 rebounds

Zac 6 points, 5 steals

Kevin 4 points, 4 rebounds, 2 steals

Bullfrog 4 points, 2 rebounds

Harkirat 4 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Dhruv 2 points, 4 steals

Aaron 2 points, 2 assists

Andy 2 points

Amarnoor 2 points

Arjun 3 steals

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thunder 74 Ten Broek 8

Offensive Player of the Game:  Denelle 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Erin 14 points, 17 steals, 3 rebounds

Denelle 14 points, 7 steals, 2 assists

Maddy 10 points, 8 steals, 4 rebounds

Adina 10 points, 7 steals, 6 rebounds, 3 assists

Emily 6 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists

Jenna Mary 6 points, 5 rebounds, 4 steals

Kiran 6 points

Sarah 4 points, 7 steals, 5 rebounds

Maveena 2 points, 5 rebounds

Jenny 2 points

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thunder 46 Ten Broek 34

Offensive Player of the Game:  Tim 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Aaron 

Tim 14 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists

Karman 12 points, 7 rebounds, 5 steals

Hushan 6 ponts, 3 rebounds, 2 steals

Kevin 4 points, 7 rebounds

Aaron 4 points, 3 rebounds, 3 steals

Amarnoor 4 points

Dhruv 2 points

Zac 5 rebounds

Jacob 3 steals

Arjun 2 rebounds

Harkirat 2 rebounds

Monday, February 25, 2008

Thunder 56 McMillan 26

Offensive Player of the Game:  Tianna 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Vinny 

Tianna 16 points, 12 rebounds, 6 steals, 5 assists

Amneet 10 points, 6 steals, 5 assists, 4 rebounds

Dhruv 10 points, 7 steals, 6 rebounds

Jacob 8 points, 4 steals, 3 rebounds

Vinny 8 points, 3 steals, 2 assists

Arjun 4 points, 3 rebounds

Bullfrog 2 points, 2 rebounds

Andy 2 rebounds

Jaskiat 2 steals

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thunder 64 St. James 28

Offensive Player of the Game:  Karman 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Denelle 

Karman 24 points, 12 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals

Denelle 10 points, 4 steals

Tim 8 points, 4 assists, 4 rebounds, 3 steals

Amarnoor 8 points, 2 rebounds

Amneet 6 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists

Dhruv 2 points, 4 steals, 2 rebounds

Bullfrog 2 points, 4 steals

Zac 2 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Hushan 2 points

Harkirat 5 rebounds

Jacob 3 steals

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thunder 104 Terry Fox 4

Offensive Player of the Game:  Adina 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Adina O 28 points, 14 rebounds, 6 steals, 5 assists

Sarah 16 points, 11 rebounds, 8 steals

Maddy 16 points, 5 steals, 2 rebounds

Denelle 10 points, 7 rebounds, 7 steals, 4 assists

Erin 6 points, 15 steals, 4 assists, 4 rebounds

Emily 6 points, 8 rebounds, 7 steals, 5 assists

Maveena 6 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals

Jenny 6 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists

Jenna Mary 4 points, 5 steals, 3 assists, 2 rebounds

Jaskiat 4 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals

Kiran 2 points, 8 steals, 2 rebounds

Monday, February 18, 2008

Thunder 32 McMillan 46

Offensive Player of the Game:  Dhruv

Defensive Player of the Game:  Jacob 

Dhruv 16 points, 9 rebounds, 4 steals

Amneet 6 points, 6 assists, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Jacob 4 points, 7 steals, 4 rebounds

Arjun 4 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals

Andy 2 points, 4 rebounds, 4 steals

Vinny 2 points, 3 rebounds

Jenny 4 steals

Bullfrog 3 steals

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thunder 44 Harry Sayers 18

Offensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Erin 12 points, 6 steals, 4 assists, 3 rebounds

Jenna Mary 10 points, 9 steals, 2 rebounds

Taylor 6 points

Maddy 4 points, 3 rebounds

Kiran 4 points, 2 assists

Maveena 4 points, 2 rebounds

Tianna 2 points, 5 rebounds, 4 steals

Jaskiat 2 points

Sarah 4 rebounds

Emily 2 steals

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thunder 56 Harry Sayers 42

Offensive Player of the Game:  Amneet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Bullfrog 

Amneet 16 points, 6 rebounds, 4 steals

Karman 10 points, 11 rebounds

Zac 8 points

Amarnoor 6 points, 2 steals

Bullfrog 4 points, 6 rebounds

Tim 4 points, 4 assists

Aaron 4 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists

Kevin 2 points, 6 rebounds

Arjun 2 points, 2 steals

Dhruv 5 steals, 2 rebounds

Jacob 4 rebounds, 2 assists

Andy 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thunder 94 Erma Stephenson 4

Offensive Player of the Game:  Denelle 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Denelle 

Maveena 24 points, 4 rebounds, 2 steals

Denelle 16 points, 11 assists, 10 steals, 7 rebounds

Maddy 16 points, 6 rebounds, 6 steals

Tianna 12 points, 9 steals, 4 assists, 4 rebounds

Jenna Mary 12 points, 3 rebounds

Erin 10 points, 7 rebounds, 6 steals, 3 assists

Kiran 4 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals

Jaskiat 5 steals

Taylor 4 steals

Sarah 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thunder 62 King 26

Offensive Player of the Game:  Tianna 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Erin 

Ravpreet 16 points, 13 rebounds, 2 steals

Maveena 12 points, 3 steals, 2 rebounds

Jenna Mary 8 points

Erin 6 points, 6 assists, 6 steals

Sarah 6 points, 2 steals

Tianna 4 points, 8 assists, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Maddy 4 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Kiran 4 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists

Emily 2 points

Jenny 2 rebounds

Taylor 2 assists

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thunder 42 King 12

Offensive Player of the Game:  Amneet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Tim 

Amneet 10 points, 4 rebounds, 4 steals, 2 assists

Tim 8 points, 7 rebounds, 2 assists

Karman 8 points, 4 rebounds, 4 steals

Kevin 6 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals

Amarnoor 4 points, 4 steals, 2 steals

Jacob 2 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Hushan 2 points, 2 steals

Andy 2 points, 2 rebounds

Aaron 5 steals, 2 rebounds

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thunder 72 Dave Kandal 28

Offensive Player of the Game:  Ravpreet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Tianna 

Ravpreet 22 points, 13 rebounds

Jenna Mary 14 points, 5 steals, 2 rebounds

Adina 12 points, 7 rebounds, 5 steals

Tianna 10 points, 9 steals, 5 rebounds, 4 assists

Denelle 8 points, 8 assists, 4 steals

Erin 2 points, 5 steals, 4 assists, 2 rebounds

Maddy 2 points, 4 rebounds

Maveena 2 points, 3 rebounds

Kiran 6 rebounds

Sarah 3 rebounds

Jaskiat 2 steals

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thunder 58 Dave Kandal 26

Offensive Player of the Game:  Tim 

Defensive Player of the Game: Bullfrog 

Aaron 12 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals

Amneet 10 points, 3 steals, 2 assists

Kevin 8 points, 4 rebounds

Tim 6 points, 7 assists, 3 steals, 2 rebounds

Bullfrog 6 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Arjun 4 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals

Dhruv 4 points

Amarnoor 2 points, 6 steals

Vinny 2 points, 3 steals

David 2 points, 2 rebounds

Andy 2 points

Jacob 6 steals

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thunder 72 Blue Jay 10

Offensive Player of the Game:  Ravpreet 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Maddy 

Maveena 16 points, 3 rebounds

Ravpreet 10 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals

Maddy 8 points, 9 rebounds

Adina 8 points, 4 rebounds

Sarah 6 points, 5 steals, 3 rebounds

Kiran 6 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals

Taylor 6 points, 2 rebounds

Jaskiat 4 points

Denelle 2 points, 6 steals, 5 assists

Tianna 2 points, 5 rebounds, 4 steals

Jenna Mary 2 points, 4 assists, 4 rebounds, 2 steals

Erin 2 points, 4 steals, 2 assists, 2 rebounds

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thunder 42 Blue Jay 12

Offensive Player of the Game:  Karman 

Defensive Player of the Game:  Hushan 

Karman 12 points, 7 steals, 4 assists, 3 rebounds

Tim 6 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists

Aaron 6 points, 2 rebounds

Zac 6 points, 2 rebounds

Kevin 4 points, 5 rebounds

Hushan 2 points, 4 rebounds, 3 steals

Arjun 2 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals

Dhruv 2 points, 3 rebounds

Amneet 3 steals, 2 assists, 2 rebounds

Jacob 3 steals, 2 rebounds

Vinny 3 steals, 2 rebounds

Andy 2 steals

Bullfrog 2 steals