Dinner Party by Jessie

Last night I threw a dinner party.

I had overslept yesterday and woke up five minutes before my party. I quickly had to get dressed and check my list.






12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16 323334353637383940414243

Jack Sparrow

Elizabeth Swan

William Turner

Davy Jones







I had to get all the food ready for all my guests. I had only three minutes and thirty-two seconds until eight.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and scrambled all over the place to gather up food.

In three minutes all of it was nicely sitting on the table.

Then the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and saw that it was Jack, Elizabeth, William and Davy Jones.

“Welcome to the party!” I said taking their coats. Following behind them was Mario, Luigi, Peach and Yoshi.

Yoshi was so happy that he swallowed me and pooped me out of an egg.

Soon all of my guests were arriving.

Everyone was talking to someone at the party except 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031. So I walked over there.

“Hi!” I said.

“Hehe. Numbers. I like numbers. I like number things.” He started going crazy so I started backing up. Then I clapped my hands.

“Cake time!” I said. Everyone looked up.

“CAKE TIME! CAKE TIME! CAKE TIME!” They all screamed. They all raced through the hall into the kitchen.

Davy Jones got their first. But He and Jack sparrow got into a fight. Soon everyone started fighting. Even 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 fought.

Mario and Luigi started slapping each other and Yancy stripped off his clothes and started dancing.

Brenda was lying flat on her face in the chip bowl on the table. The chips were squashed in her face.

Bosley grabbed a knife and swore he would commit suicide.

Mildred grabbed a hockey stick and waked Peach in the face.

Marla started whacking Brenda and yelled, “Wake up you druggie!”

Davy Jones lifted his sword at Eragon but Saphira swatted him.

Davy Jones stood up but stopped. He looked straight at the kitchen table. There was no cake.


Everyone turned to the direction of the burp and saw Yoshi sitting on the carpet with crumbs on his fingers and mouth.

But before they could do anything, I placed enough cakes on the table to feed an army.

Everyone ate their cakes and went home.

Except Brenda who is still lying face down in the chip bowl, unconscious.