Kenny by Tianna

On a Friday afternoon the rain shattered down from the sky to hit the ground with a splash.  In the small hotel on the corner of the street little Kenny was sitting on his parent’s bed for the last time.  Kenny’s only remembrance of his parents was the stuffed bunny he had been given by his parent’s when he was born.  As Kenny was sitting on his parent’s bed tears shed from his eyes.

“Come on kid!  Let’s get a move on,” one of the people from the orphanage said with a growl in his voice.  Kenny was given nothing from his parents.  A hand was put on Kenny’s shoulder.  “We will try to find your mother Kenny, but we are sorry to say your father was found dead,” a tall man whispered seriously.

“It’s not fair!!”  Kenny screeched as he darted down the stairs and hid in a closet.  Kenny had a fit and started kicking everything.

“Kid, stop it,” the guard of the orphanage snarled.  The guard kicked the closet open, picked up Kenny and heaved him into the orphanage vehicle.

“Ouch!”  Kenny cried.  “It’s not fair!”  Kenny was yelling and having a big fuss and crying out.  “NO!  IT’S NOT TRUE!  DADDY YOU’RE NOT DEAD!”

“Kid your dad was found dead so deal with it,” the skinny man barked at Kenny.

When they arrived at the orphanage Kenny was thrown into a small room where he would be kept until a family came and took him.  Kenny was only 2 years old.  Days went by when a family came in.

“Pick me please,” Kenny whispered, his head laying low.

“We’ll take this one,” a lady said as Kenny lifted his head to see someone else being taken with the family home.

Again a couple days went by but no family came in.  Kenny tried to hold in his tears hearing the screaming of other girls and boys being whipped.   Kenny was too young to be whipped since the beginning age for whipping was 6 years old.  Kenny feared that maybe he wouldn’t be chosen by a family for a while.  Or maybe Kenny would have to live his life being whipped.

One month passed and two families came into the orphanage. Sadly Kenny still wasn’t chosen.  Kenny’s birthday came around and passed with no celebration or anything.  One day a family came in and was going down the list of orphans.  “May we see this one?” the woman questioned pointing at a name on the list.

“Yes, this way ma’am,” an orphanage guard said.

Kenny heard a door creak and looked up.  There looking straight into Kenny’s eyes was a beautiful woman.  “Oh he’s adorable!  We’ll take him,” the woman said gladly picking Kenny up into her arms.

“Wait,” Kenny screeched.

“What is it?” The woman asked sweetly.

“Bunny” Kenny struggled to say.

“Oh, the bunny, here you go,” the woman whispered lifting the bunny into Kenny’s arms.

The woman paid the guard for Kenny and walked outside to her vehicle.  Inside the vehicle was a box.  “Box,” Kenny mumbled pointing to the box sitting on the front seat of the vehicle.

“Oh yes, this is yours,” she said softly handing the box to Kenny.  Kenny ripped open the box to find a brand new blanket!  Kenny took the blanket and snuggled into it and fell asleep.  When they arrived home there was a little puppy sitting on the sofa with a bow on it’s neck.  The sweet woman put Kenny into a little crib since it was very late.

In the morning Kenny woke up and stretched his arms into the air.  The woman came into the room just as Kenny was stretching.  “M-o-mmm-yy,” Kenny said.

“Awe you’re so cute!”  the woman cooed as she picked Kenny up and brought him downstairs.  “We’re going to give you some baby food!”  Kenny smiled at her and looked deeply into her dark blue eyes.  The woman grabbed a can out of a cupboard and put it in the microwave.  When she took it out she said it was hot and put it on the counter to cool.  When it cooled she picked Kenny up and put him on her lap as she got a small spoonful of baby food.  “Open for the train!” the woman said as Kenny opened his mouth.  “Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Choo, Choo.”  The woman lifted the spoon into Kenny’s mouth as she made train sounds.  Kenny ate until he couldn’t eat anymore.

A couple months went by, day after day Kenny loving his new mother.  One day his mother decided to take Kenny to a daycare… It didn’t go very well.  “MOMMY!  Don’t leave,” Kenny cried.

“I have to go to my new job, sweetie.  It’s okay, they will take good care of you here.”

Kenny cried for the next couple of hours until it was naptime when he fell asleep with a bottle of warm milk.  When Kenny was picked up his mother brought him some berries.  Kenny first tried the berries and loved them.

Days passed and everything was great with Kenny and his new mother.  One day his new dad came home with something for Kenny’s birthday. “A tricycle.  Awe that’s so nice!” Kenny’s mom said to his dad, hugging him.

The family lived very happily and Kenny grew up and became a lawyer.