Lake's End Retreat



Lake's End Retreat is a player home / small farm on the shores of lake Ilinalta near Half Moon Hill. 

This is one of the early homes I'd made with CK. But, had never gotten around to finishing. I've changed it quite a bit and am sharing it as a prototype for another project. It is somewhere to stay and relax when playing with multiple companions and pets 


Features - Indoors 

6 double beds. 

Cooking station. 

Dining and bar areas. 

Alchemy station. 

Custom Enchanting station. 

4 Custom bookcases. 

Some custom containers. 

Indoor toilets (Auto undress) 

Central bathing pool (Auto Undress) 

Separate staff quarters with 3 double beds. 

Armory with 

9 Manniquins 

12 Weapon plaques 

6 Shield Plaques 

8 Custom dagger displays 

Features - Outdoors 

Smelter, weapon and armor crafting stations. 

Small vegetable garden. 

Toby the horse. 

2 cows and some hens. 

All animals return to the stables at night. 

Several quiet places to sit and relax. 

Patio area overlooking the lake. 


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Some of these resources I've used. Some, I have gotten ideas and inspiration from. A big thank you to all for the resources kindly shared, that we may all use, modify and learn from. (If I've forgotten anybody or misinterpreted permissions, please PM me so I can rectify it.) 

Ac3s and subtanker for writing this tutorial. 

Alchemy Clutter Resource by Blary 

Bathing Suit in a pool Script and files by Jet4571 

Displays - Dragon Claw and others by Lazz 

Elianora's Extra Resources by Elianora 

Ennead Banners by Studio Kasumi 

Flag banner by GreyFox77 

General Displays by Tueffel Ingredients Wall 

Art Resource by Blary 

Markarth City Banner Retexture by Sydzilla 

Modder Display Compendium - Custom Displays for the Collectible Items found in Skyrim by MrDanSG1 

Modder's Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67 

New Plants V 1.3 by Tamira http:// 

Yughues aka Nobiax ( for creating almost all of the original models and textures Birdy ( for creating the decidious tree mesh. 

No Moving Banners Indoors by steveowashere 

OpenBooks Resource by Blary 

Paintings and Frames by Artisanix 

Painting resource for mods by jet4571 

Phitt's Morrowind Style Lanterns by Phitt and Tamira 

Strotis Outdoor Toilet Resource for Skyrim by Stroti. Converted by Tamira This is a conversion of Stroti's Outdoor Toilet Resource, originally published for Oblivion. You can find the original resource files here. 

Teddybears 1.1 by Tamira and Arion Original model of the teddy: Abitor ( 

Everybody who has given me suggestions, tips, encouragement and pointed out my errors. Without you, my mods would not be what they are now. I thank you. 

The Residents

Each can be toggled on/off. 

Each can be a follower and married. 

The toggles are located in a wardrobe in the downstairs bedroom. (Look to your left, next to the bookcase.) 

The residents are vanilla and will use whatever body and face mods you have installed. (I am using SG Female Textures Renewal by Hello Santa to smooth those rough vanilla heads. The men are using Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles by Chris57 and FavoredSoul)


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