
Throughout these weeks, we will partake in activities that require focus, sustain positive attention, and promote self-awareness to build upon resiliency.

Week 1

Positive Affirmation: I can do anything I put my mind to.

Breathing Activity: Superhero Breath

Guided Meditation: I Am

Yoga Pose: Hero

Activity: Binocular Spy

Week 2

Positive Affirmation: It is okay to not know everything.

Breathing Activity: Ninja Breath

Guided Meditation: I Can Do It!

Yoga Pose: Eagle Pose

Activity: Compliment Circle

Week 3

Positive Affirmation: Every day is a fresh start.

Breathing Activity: Redwood Breath

Guided Meditation: Setting a Goal

Yoga Pose: Candle

Activity: Read aloud The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires and Write goals together

Week 4

Positive Affirmation: It is enough to do my best.

Breathing Activity: Alligator Breath

Guided Meditation: Reflecting on my Goal

Yoga Pose: Puppy

Activity: Balloon Game

In depth...

Week 1

Breathing exercise: Superhero Breath: Breathe in and imagine you are a superhero. Breathe out and imagine how you will help someone.

YOGA: You may also use this

Activity: Binocular Spy: This activity will allow your students to focus and pay attention to details. It’s also very calming because it shifts their awareness into the present moment. For this activity, use toilet paper rolls as the binoculars (hot glue them together prior to giving students a set) OR you can have them use their hands. Ask your students to slowly scan the room with their binoculars and take note of 3 things they’ve never noticed before. Encourage them to notice colors, textures, shapes, patterns, and more in-depth details. For example, the texture of a couch pillow, the ridges on the door frame, etc. The key here is to make sure they do this slowly, really taking in their environment. You can also do this activity looking out a window!

Week 2

Breathing Exercise: Ninja Breath: Pretend that you are a ninja. Breathe in and out as silently and slowly as you can.

Activity: Compliment Circle: Practicing kindness is an important part of building resilience in children.Have your students sit in a circle with their legs stretched out in front of them. Pick one child to go first. He or she will pick someone else in the circle to give a compliment to. Once you’ve received a compliment, you pull your legs in (crisscross applesauce style) so everyone knows you’ve received one already. Keep going around the circle until everyone has received praise. Encourage your students to give compliments on something other than visual traits. Try to have them avoid things that have to do with looks so the compliments are more meaningful. This is harder for younger kids and takes some practice.

Week 3

Week 3: Redwood breath: Breathe in and reach your arms up high like branches extending to the sky. Breathe out and imagine you have roots growing from your feet deep into the earth.

Week 4

Breathing exercise: Alligator Breath: Open your arms wide like alligator jaws on the in-breath. Snap them shut on the out-breath.

Activity: Balloon Game: This game will help your child focus and concentrate. Explain to your students that the goal is to keep the balloon in the air. The key isto do this slowly, calmly, and gently. You may want to pretend that the balloon is very fragile so that they have to be extra careful!