
Throughout these weeks, we will discuss what kindness means and how we can show kindness to ourselves and to others.

Week 1

Positive Affirmation: I am kind.

Breathing Activity: Loving Kindness Breath

Guided Meditation: Loving and Kindness practice

Yoga Pose: Boat Pose

Activity: Read The Kindness Quilt by Nancy Wallace

Make Kindness Quilt

Week 2

Positive Affirmation: I treat others with kindness.

Breathing Activity: Show Yourself Some Love

Guided Meditation: Friendly Wishes

Yoga Pose: Tree Pose

Activity: My Act of Kindness

Week 3

Positive Affirmation: It feels good to be kind.

Breathing Activity: Butterfly Breath

Guided Meditation: Love and Kindness

Yoga Pose: Plank Pose

Activity: Kindness Scavenger Hunt

Week 4

Positive Affirmation: I think kind thoughts.

Breathing Activity: Wish Breath

Guided Meditation: Breathing in Light

Yoga Pose: Flamingo

Activity: Paint a kindness rock

In depth...

Week 1

Breathing exercise: Loving Kindness Breath: Tune into the sound of your breathing. Take a deep breath in then slowly exhale for five counts.

Week 2

Breathing Exercise: Show Yourself Some Love: As you breathe in deeply, bring positive qualities that you love about yourself to mind. Give yourself love. As you breathe out, let go of any negative emotions you may feel.

Week 3

Week 3: Butterfly Breath: Spread your arms like beautiful butterfly wings on the in-breath, and let them flap gently on the out breath.

Activity: Kindness Scavenger Hunt

Week 4

Breathing exercise: Wish Breath: Breathe in and make a happy wish for yourself. Then breathe out and send a happy wish to someone else.


Paint a kindness rock (wil need rocks, paint, and paintbrushes)