
Throughout these weeks, we will gain an understanding of the term compassion and what it means to have and express compassion towards ourselves and others.

Week 1

Positive Affirmation: I am a great kid and a great friend.

Breathing Activity: Join your Breath

Guided Meditation: Reflecting on Joy

Yoga Pose: Shoulder stand

Activity: What is compassion? Compassion is..

Week 2

Positive Affirmation: I support others withlove and kindness.

Breathing Activity: Breathing Buddies

Guided Meditation: When I Felt Special

Yoga Pose: Camel

Activity: How can we show compassion to people we know?

Week 3

Positive Affirmation: I show others I care.

Breathing Activity: Sun Breathing

Guided Meditation: My Favorite Place

Yoga Pose: Snail

Activity: How can we show compassion to strangers and animals?

Week 4

Positive Affirmation: I am perfect just the way I am.

Breathing Activity: Hugging Breath

Guided Meditation: What I Like About Me

Yoga Pose: Butterfly

Activity: I Can Show Compassion book

In depth...

Week 1

Breathing exercise: Join your Breath: Join the rhythm of your in-breath and out-breath with a friend, so that you are breathing in and out together.

Week 2

Breathing Exercise: Breathing Buddies: Lay down on your back and put a stuffed animal on your tummy. As you breathe in and out, watch your stuffed animal go in and out.

Week 3

Week 3: Sun Breathing: As you breathe in through your nose, you will slowly lift both of your arms straight up over your head. As you breathe out through your nose, you will slowly lower your arms.

Week 4

Breathing exercise: Hugging Breath: Close your eyes, give yourself a hug, and gently breath in and out.