In the Classroom

A mindful classroom is where the teacher and students practice kindness, self-regulation, compassion, and bring awareness to their emotional states. Along with academics, students will learn new ways of being, behaving, and skills that help regulate the mind and the body to help them feel new again. Students will be better able to self-regulate, have improved social skills, and demonstrate higher-self esteem.

Daily Schedule

To cultivate mindfulness and form new habits for the mind and body, each day, we will partake in mindfulness-based practices. We will begin the day with a mindful minute. During this time, we will learn, review, and explore a breathing exercise. After lunch and recess, we will come together to complete guided meditation. We will then end our day practicing a yoga pose. On Thursday, we will participate in a mindfulness-based activity. Students will have the opportunity to explore mindfulness with a game, through literature, hands-on activity, or a craft.

Mindful Minute (Breathing Exercise): Daily breathing exercises will allow us to discover control of our bodies through the power of deep breathing.

Meditation: Mindfulness meditations will allow us to be more present at the moment by sitting still and training our minds to slow down. Meditations will draw attention to our thoughts (brain) and sensations (body) through a focus on a single idea or object. Meditation will help build concentration and creativity.

Yoga: Yoga will allow us to practice movement with breath and awareness. These movements are meant to relieve stress, promote relaxation, and encourage us to slow down and discover feelings within ourselves.

Scope and Sequence

Scope describes the areas of development that will be addressed while sequence refers to plans and content to support students' learning. The site shares my 32- week Mindfulness Scope and Sequence but you may click here for the pdf file (more printer friendly).

I know that the pdf is more printer friendly but the site offers additional resources and information. I suggest that you use both as needed. Please note that you will need to use the site to get visuals for some of the yoga poses.