Me with my son, Jack

About Me

Hi, I'm Jen Hood!

I invite and welcome you to view my Mindfulness Resource Site and hope you choose to explore and practice the activities yourself or with your students. I promise that you will not regret it!

I completed my undergraduate degree at Fitchburg State College in Elementary Education. After I graduated, I began teaching at Hillcrest Educational Centers, a private, non-profit, residential school with students that have high-risk behaviors, complex psychiatric disorders, and developmental disorders. I am incredibly thankful for my teaching experience at Hillcrest as it allowed me to not only educate students intellectually but also assist in helping them grow socially and emotionally. My time at Hillcrest Educational Centers was the most challenging, yet one of the most rewarding experiences I've encountered thus far.

After teaching at Hillcrest Educational Centers for three years, I decided to make a move to a public-school setting. I began this journey at Lee Elementary School. I filled in for long-term substitute positions as a kindergarten and sixth-grade teacher, as well as a reading specialist for grade K-2 throughout one school year. This is where I found my love and passion for Early Childhood, which encouraged me to pursue a Masters Degree in Early Childhood at MCLA.

Currently, I work at Lanesborough Elementary School as a kindergarten teacher. This will be my fifth year teaching there. I have been extremely fortunate to have had the most amazing colleagues, students, and families support and guidance throughout this time.

Each experience along my teaching journey has and continues to shape me to be the best educator I can be. I genuinely enjoy my job as a kindergarten teacher and take each day and moment as a new learning opportunity.

I am so thankful for the many amazing opportunities I've experienced, as it has allowed me to grow and learn more about myself as an educator.

I have decided on mindfulness as a topic for my capstone as I have seen the significant impact that social-emotional distress has on academics with the many children I have taught throughout my journey. Over the past several years, I began to implement mindfulness-based practices into my life. Through research and my personal experience, I have seen the many benefits one can gain from practicing mindfulness with fidelity.

Mindfulness-based practices are lifelong skills that educate the mind, body, and heart. I look forward to implementing this 32-week Mindfulness Scope and Sequence with my class next year.

Breathe, relax, and enjoy!