Introduction to Mindfulness

Throughout these weeks, students will be introduced to, learn, and begin to practice the foundational methods and concepts of mindfulness. Students will begin to practice and understand the benefits of positive affirmations, yoga, breathing exercises, and meditations.

Before you begin...

Week 1

Positive Affirmation: I will be present in every moment.

Breathing Activity: Deep Breathing

Guided Meditation: How to Meditate

Yoga Pose: Child's Pose

Activity: Read aloud: I am Peace

Week 2

Positive Affirmation: I will think positive thoughts.

Breathing Activity: Mountain Breath

Guided Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation

Yoga Pose: Cobra Pose

Activity: Sing: Be Mindful by Jack Hartmann

Week 3

Positive Affirmation: I am mindful to the feelings of others.

Breathing Activity: Question Breath

Guided Meditation: Being Present

Yoga Pose: Downward Dog

Activity: Read aloud:Listening toMy Body written by Gabi Garcia

Week 4

Positive Affirmation:My positive thoughts create positive feelings.

Breathing Activity: Listen!

Guided Meditation: Flashlight Meditation

Yoga Pose: Warrior 1

Activity: Shell Painting

In depth...

Week 1

Breathing exercise: Deep Breathing: As you breathe in through your nose, you will expand your belly, then your rib cage, and finally your chest as your lungs fill with air. As you breathe out your nose, you will feel the air moving out through your belly, rib cage, chest, and then your nose. I will repeat the phrase, “Breathe in, one, two, three, hold. Breathe out, three, two, one, hold.” (Do this several times) Notice how you feel.

Week 2

Breathing Exercise: Mountain Breath: Breathe in and out while keeping your body still like a mountain.

Week 3

Week 3: Question Breath: As you breathe in, ask yourself how you are feeling. As you breathe out, answer.

Week 4

Breathing exercise: Listen: Take a long breath in, and let it all the way out. Hold your body still. Listen. What do you hear? What sounds are around you? Take a long breath in, and let it all the way out.

Activity: Shell Painting

Supplies needed: Shells, paint, paint brushes

All painting helps to bring your attention into the present moment, but painting shells just adds a little extra magic to the activity!

Getting Started: Set up a space so you have everything your students might need to paint, including paint brushes, paint, shells, water to clean their brush, paper towel or cloth for spills.

Let your students paint the shells. You may want to model how to gently follow the lines and patterns on the shells.