Peace Corner

I would like to have a peace corner in my classroom where students can go during times of distress or when needed. This area will have a choice of tools, a 'toolbox,' for the students to use. All of the choices will be mindfulness-based practices and activities that were learned in the classroom. The options in the toolbox will expand as they learn more skills.

Take a Break

Each student will be given a break card. They can display this card when they need a break. Each student will keep their card in their supply caddy that is on their table.


Students will be made aware of these simple rules and expectations. These rules would be displayed in the peace corner. They would also be reminded of how to be respectful and responsible with the tools in the peace corner.

Worry Monster

This will be available to students throughout the day. Children can write or draw their worries to feed the Pet Worry Monster. The Pet Worry Monster will eat their worries and troubles. Students will also have the option to discuss their worries or troubles with the teachers.

Some activities that go with the Pet Worry Monster:

Feel Good Pictures

Students would have access to look at pictures that would bring a smile to their face. Here are some pictures that I would like to include.

Breathing Boards

Students will have access to a variety of breathing cards. Each card will have a visual. A new breathing technique will be added to the ring as the students learn a new breathing technique.


Students can complete puzzles to relax and focus their attention, and relieve stress, and become more present in the moment. Here are some that I would include.

Yoga Poses

In the peace corner, students would have access to visuals of a variety of yoga poses. The poses would be ones that were learned in the classroom. Students would have the opportunity to practice the poses on a yoga mat.

Positive Self-Talk Coloring Posters

Students can use scented markers to color in these positive self-talk posters. They may display their poster in the peace corner.


Student can remind themselves of things they are grateful for by using the 'I Am Grateful For' Checklist.

Journal Writing

Students can express themselves through journal writing (write whatever comes to them) or through drawing.

All Feelings are Okay

Students will follow this procedure to sit with their feelings. This procedure will help them vaidate and work through any feelings they may have.

Please note that the procedure will have to be modeled prior to implementing into the peace corner.

Toolbox Poster

The poster would also be displayed in the peace corner as a visual to help aid students during times of distress.

Guided Meditations

Students will have access to guided meditations via applications on an iPad. The iPad will have applications like Calm, Mindful Powers, Smiling Mind, and Insight Timer.