
This is a monotypic, and perhaps enigmatic, genus of millipedes currently containing only its type species, M. sculpturatus, which is known only from East Africa. It is not currently believed to exist in the captive hobby. However, the species Mardonius parilis acuticonus (or "MPA") has long been traded amongst enthusiasts, often under the mistaken name of Archispirostreptus gigas. As of 2001 however M. p. acuticonus has been synonomized with the West African Spiropoeus fischeri. Nevertheless, the name M. p. acuticonus continues to be used by enthusiasts across the world, as word of the synonomization has been slow to spread outside of scientific circles.

S. fischeri does well on standard millipede care, and breeds prolifically when provided with enough space and food; unlike many African Spirostreptidae, it does not seem to require seasonal variation. It is often sold as A. gigas, though S. fischeri had distinct differences as noted below and is easy to tell apart from the larger east African species with practice.

It is worth noting here that Spiropoeus fischeri is a jet-black color, with satiny ridges on the body, consistently reaching to about 7"/17.8 cm. However, a newer species out of Cameroon and Nigeria, seemingly identical but with bright red legs, has entered the hobby under the various names of M. p. acuticonus "Red Legs", Mardonius sp. "Red Legs"/ "Red-Legged Giant", and Spiropoeus fischeri "Red Legs." All of these identifications are likely incorrect, and it should be labeled Spirostreptidae sp. "Red-Legged Giant" (or something to that affect), with the locale included if known. The label Mardonius sp. "Red Legs" is becoming more common however, and it is perhaps acceptable at this time as enthusiasts seem to be wont to leave their identifications to family level if a genus can be suggested. It has been bred in captivity, and is similar in care to Spiropoeus fischeri.