Anchor Academy

Rethinking the Freshman Experience

At Middletown High we understand the unique challenges that are presented by the transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9.  For this reason, we have a dedicated team of faculty that work specifically with our incoming students. Known as the "Anchor Academy," this interdisciplinary group collaborates in tandem with our school guidance department to ensure that each ninth grade student is receiving the attention and support that they need to succeed. 

In addition to taking a deep, targeted look at the needs of each student, the Anchor Academy also provides incoming freshmen with a variety of meaningful, first-year experiences such as: 

Interdisciplinary academic supports: From team teaching opportunities to flexible scheduling, student needs come first

Supplementary Social & Emotional Learning Experiences: From off-site team building activities to experiential lessons on leadership and cultural literacy, discourse in the Anchor Academy exceeds the bounds of traditional teaching and learning 

 Clustered learning spaces: A program-specific hallway ensures that Anchor students are located close to the faculty members that know them best for the vast majority of the school day 

Student recognition: Student successes are celebrated early and often within teams as well as amongst the school community

Interested in hearing more about our Anchor Academy? Please feel free to reach out  to either our guidance department or our Associate Principal, Mr. Jon Devolve, for more information!