Visual Arts


Advanced Placement (AP) Studio Art

(HS700000, SCED 05171)     📚 🎨  1 credit

Full Year

AP Studio Art is a challenging, yearlong. college-level course designed by the College Board for students who are seriously interested in the practice of art and might consider art as a career. Students should be aware that Advanced Placement coursework involves significantly more time than the typical high school art course, and the program is not for the casually interested. Students will develop, perfect, and create a significant art portfolio during this course. 

Students will choose to complete a 2 Dimensional, 3 Dimensional or Drawing portfolio of art work within this course. The AP Studio Art program includes historical and aesthetic aspects of the arts, as well as a rich integration of technology. Only students with a high level of achievement within previous art courses should take this course. This class utilizes texts, technology, many exemplars, and moves at a rigorous pace, correlating to art standards and expectations derived from the College Board's guidelines. A direct goal of this course is to help ensure success on the College Board's AP exam in (portfolio) in the spring (10, 11, 12)

Note: The AP exam is administered in May. There is a fee associated with the exam.


(HS700001, SCED 05159)         🎨  0.5 credit


This is a basic course in hand-building methods including pinc, coil, and slab techniques. Emphasis will be on the development of form and its relationship to functional and non-functional objects. Historical, multi-cultural and aesthetic aspects of the importance of ceramics to societies throughout the ages will be explored. Creative and flexible thinking will be encouraged through the production of objects and vessels in clay.

Advanced Ceramics

(HS7000002, SCED 05159)       🎨  0.5 credit


This course involves a continuation of hand building techniques, an introduction to wheel -throwing, as well as integrating methods of decorative glazing processes. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of hand building skills acquired in Ceramics 1.  They are expected have more autonomy and continue developing skills in functional pottery and 3-Dimensional sculpture. The course is designated to further develop the student's creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Emphasis is placed on quality artwork and craftsmanship (10, 11, 12).  

Note: Successful completion of Ceramics 1 is an essential foundation for those electing this course. 

Advanced Ceramics II

(HS700003, SCED 05159)       🎨 0.5 credit


This course involves intensive use of the wheel as well as integrating other methods of clay construction. The students are expected to be self-starters and continue developing skills in functional pottery and 3 Dimensional sculpture. The course is designated to further develop the student's creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Emphasis is placed on quality artwork and craftsmanship (10, 11, 12).

Note: We believe that successful completion of Advanced Ceramics is an essential foundation for those electing this course. 

Concentration in Study of Art

(HS7000004, SCED 05997) 🎨  0.5 credit


Concentration Study art courses with an art teacher enable students to explore a particular art form. Concentration study courses may serve as an opportunity for students to expand their expertise in a particular art form or style, to explore topics in greater detail, or to develop more advanced skills.

Prerequisite: Admission based on written application and evidence of visual work submitted to and approved by the Art Department in conjunction with the director submitted to and approved by the Art Department in conjunction with the director. This application may be retrieved from the Art Department Director and must be submitted 3 weeks before the beginning of the semester. 

Digital Photography

(HS700005, SCED 11054)   🎨💻  0.5 credit


This is an introductory digital photography and digital imaging course. Students will be immersed in the basics of digital camera control, workflow, and editing. Students will be introduced to the process of “seeing” the world through the eyes of a photographer, and composing images through the viewfinder. Students will begin to master workflow from the camera to the computer, and will learn to catalogue, develop and enhance their images using the software provided. They will be producing a series of prints and maintaining a digital portfolio. Students will study the history of photography as well as cultural and social connections that have been made and are being made in our contemporary culture. (10, 11, 12) 

Digital Photography II

(HS700006, SCED 11054)   🎨💻  0.5 credit


MHS Learner Expectations


Digital Photography II allows the experienced photography student to create images that express both the personal and cultural in scope. Students will continue the concentration of learning to “See” and Visualize imagery through the eye of the lens. Advanced camera techniques, color synthesis, and workflow will be the technical aspects of the course that we will follow. Students will investigate historical and contemporary photographic concerns, the Documentary Photograph, and Photo Journalism. 

Drawing I

(HS700007, SCED 05156)     🎨  0.5 credit


MHS Learner Expectations


Drawing I is a studio course that explores observational drawing from life, and building technical drawing skills based on the elements and principals of art and design. Students will study recognized artists and the history and aesthetics of drawing. Media and drawing techniques to be explored will include; sketching, contour line drawing, gesture drawing, portraiture, landscape, architectural, adding color to drawings, pen and ink, charcoal, colored chalk and mixed media within drawing. Students will write about art, develop an art vocabulary, and incorporate the use of technology as a tool when creating visuals for the drawing process. (9, 10, 11, 12) 

Advanced Drawing and Painting

(HS700008, SCED 05155)             🎨 0.5 credit

Advanced drawing and painting is a studio course that will afford students the opportunity to pursue advanced explorations of various 2 Dimensional design concepts and genres within the arts, based on the elements and principles of art design and the study of recognized artists. Drawing and painting from life, figure drawing, color theory, and expressive portraiture will be explored. Students will create landscape, interiors and exteriors, and render the still-life in this course. Projects using a variety of media materials like charcoal, oil pastel, chalk, pen and ink, oil, watercolor, and acrylic paints will be investigated (10, 11, 12). 

Graphic Design

(HS700008, SCED 05162)           🎨💻  0.5 credit


Graphic Design is the skillful combination of illustrated and scanned images, text, photographs and digital media, -combined and manipulated digitally to create digital art. It is a working studio class that takes place in a computer lab. Through demonstrations, and hands on effort students will learn to solve visual problems using Corel Paint shop Pro software as well as an assortment of Web 2.0 digital applications. Students will develop a basic understanding of common graphic design software and its usage, and digital hardware as it relates to graphic design. From movie poster art to giant billboards, graphic design permeates our media. Typography, image, space, color, and form will be integrated as students explore applications of graphic design theory and technique. The learning activities, and assignments, in this course will allow you to understand, develop and create basic typographical concepts, layout and design as they relate to the basic principles of art, design and perception. (9, 10, 11, 12) 

Painting I

(HS700010, SCED 05157)     🎨  0.5 credit


MHS Learner Expectations


Painting I is a studio course that explores color theory, visual thinking skills, observational painting, and builds technical and illustrative skills in painting based on the elements and principals of art, design and color. Students in this course will explore the work of recognized artists and genres within Art History in relation to their own painting progression. Students will experience the process of mixing paint, and develop technical ability with acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media painting materials. Students will also incorporate the use of technology as a tool when creating visuals within and for the drawing process. (10, 11, 12) 

Three-Dimensional Design

(HS700011, SCED 05158)               🎨 0.5 credit


Three-D Design is a studio course that gives students the opportunity to create, plan, document, problem solve, and design three dimensional forms in art which are based on the elements and principals of art and design. Students will create sculpture that will be non-representational as well as representational forms. Students will create sculpture from man-made materials as well as natural items from nature. Project materials will include paper-mache, paper, cardboard, plaster, glue guns, scrap plastics, found items, recycled materials, wire, and other donated goods. (9, 10, 11, 12) 

Visual Design of Art

(HS700012, SCED 05199) 🎨  0.5 credit


Visual design is a foundations art course that allows a student to explore and develop technical art skills based on the elements and principles of art and design. Students will express themselves in two dimensional and three dimensional formats using a variety of materials. Students may use colored pencil, collage, mixed media, wire, metals, painting media, found objects, papier-mache, etc. in their approach to creative design problems. (9, 10, 11, 12)