Tuning in: A Free Intro to Mindfulness for Men 18-35

This workshop took place on October 6, 2019.

What does it mean to be a successful man today?

Would you like more clarity about the important decisions in your life?

In today’s rapidly evolving world, it can be challenging to keep up with the roles and expectations men are called to play: on the one hand, we are told that we need to be strong, independent, capable and assertive, while, on the other, we increasingly need to be caring, compassionate, emotionally vulnerable and communicative. Given these often competing messages, how do we know we are making the right choices?

With all the pressure to find the right balance, it’s no wonder that so many of us are feeling that we aren’t quite measuring up, which can leave us to struggle with feelings of anxiety, shame and isolation. Left unchecked, this toxic “inner climate” can lead to anger, depression, relationship problems, substance abuse and worse.

Simple, free and scientifically proven mindfulness techniques can help quiet turbulent emotions and restore calm and clarity of mind. By gradually training our mind to bring focus and attention, we can create and maintain a quiet “space” within ourselves to deal constructively and calmly with life’s difficult situations and/or emotions.

In this 3-hour workshop designed to tune into our inner climate, we will:

- Practice concrete techniques we can use in daily life to bring greater focus and clarity on the things that matter to us most

- Examine and deepen awareness and understanding around our emotions and how we relate to them

- Practice sharing vulnerably, in a safe, supportive space

The details:

Who? Men or male-identifying*, aged between 18 and 35. Limited to the 16 first participants.

When? October 6, 2018, 1-4 PM (Rain date: October 13, 2018, 1-4 PM).

Where? Sarsaparilla Trail (leaving from parking lot P7), located in Old Richmond Road, just North of West Hunt Club Rd. (https://goo.gl/maps/saNpcgXGS872) Carpooling/rides available leaving from Tunney’s Pasture transitway station at 12:15. If you require a ride, please let me know by posting in this event’s discussion tab.

What to bring? Water, snacks, insect repellent, sunscreen, notebook and pen.

Cost: free! :)

*This workshop is intended to create a safe and inclusive space for all people who identify as male, regardless of sex.