Video in the class

August 2015

Video in the classroom: from Youtube to you make it!

From Youtube to You make it! We will explore and try out resources for teachers to integrate video in class. We will look at flipping the class and making your own videos the easy way, as well as, leading students to make videos that teach and enhance learning. But wait there's more; we will review the free and ready resources for teachers that don't care to make ther own, but want to find the best video that others have made as well.

Part 1 Flipping the class

What I don't mean

Having students watch a video at home before class.

What I do mean.

Creating teacher made or using other video as a substitute for lecturing my class.

Therefore I can use the rest of class time to ensure that my students understand and can show understanding what I teach!

An example: This video

Would you please offer in a group of four the greatest benefit of using one take videos with your classes?

We will then ask you to report and make a video of the responses so we can reflect on on our understanding of the concept.

Part two : You and your students making videos:

Use your phone --- use their Phones,

Camera-- record-- share "youtube"--

Or Use their computer or Chrome book (Nimbus screenshot, Screencastify, )

Use Google drive or youtube to share them...

For example:


Part three: the multitudes of free video for your class...

Just spend time going over this list:Free Videos Lists