
links checked 1/26/21

Use Gmail to Communicate With Your Classroom Community - YouTube

Gmail or Google apps for education

 Try it!

 Log into your Google apps for education account


When is this important for you to use with students?

Task 1 -- Send me an Email


Share button



        Desktop notifications


Why is this important for a teacher?

Task 2 Create a Signature


For my classes!!!

    Inbox type

    Accounts and import

        change password

        Add Address

        Import mail

Gmail: Basics - YouTube

Send it directly to their label !

    Voice and Video Chat


    Filters- add a rule


Contacts - Directory

How to Create a Contact Group in Gmail - YouTube

Let me make one for teachers.

or my third or second graders

Task 3 Create a mailing lis

Gmail Search - YouTube

Gmail searching

Great Tips on How to Effectively Search Gmail and Google Drive

3 Handy Gmail Settings for Teachers and Students - YouTube

How to Spell-Check Email Messages in Gmail - YouTube

Stop asking did you get my email!

How To Turn On Email Read Receipts In Gmail - YouTube-- How to know if they have read your email

Why would this be good for school--parents-- students!

Hidden Shortcuts for Creating Calendar Events Right from Gmail - BetterCloud Monitor

11 Common Gmail Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) - BetterCloud Monitor

Design Emails in Google Docs, Convert Them to Gmail Drafts with 1 Click - BetterCloud Monitor

Clean Up Email Addresses in Your Gmail Auto-complete List - BetterCloud Monitor

The "Forward All" vs. "Forward" Function in Gmail - BetterCloud Monitor

Useful Gmail Tips for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

3 Ways to Automate Email Tasks Using Gmail - BetterCloud Monitor

8 Helpful Productivity Tips for Google Apps Users - BetterCloud Monitor

Contacts delegation

6 Features in the Gmail Compose Window You Didn't Realize Were There - BetterCloud Monitor

Google Apps update alerts: Enable the new Google Contacts for your users from the Admin console

8 Powerful Gmail Tools for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Canned Responses

Using multiple email accounts at one time

5 Time-saving Gmail Tips for Teachers

Two Wonderful Google Drive Tools to Use with Gmail ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

New Handy Chrome Extension for Sending Dropbox Files in Gmail

15 Gmail Tips Every Teacher Should Know About


Free Technology for Teachers: Some Handy Gmail Options You Might Be Missing

Official Gmail Blog: Handwriting input comes to Gmail and Google Docs

Make The Best of Your Gmail with These Excellent Apps

How to Change Your Sender Name in Gmail - BetterCloud Monitor

5 Useful Gmail Tips for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Postmaster Tools – Google-- manage the mail from the domain level

Google Apps update alerts: Block and Unsubscribe in Gmail

Send from Gmail (by Google) - Chrome Web Store

Google Apps update alerts: Find ‘missing’ emails more easily in Gmail