Great Videos for Teachers

tech funny?

Medeival Help Desk

System Administrator's Day song - YouTube

Happy SysAdmin Day from Your Worst Users - YouTube

God Made A SysAdmin - YouTube

Life after death by power point 2012 9min

Life afte Death by power point 2008 4min

Things IT people never say

My Blackberry Is Not Working! - The One Ronnie, Preview - BBC One - YouTube

A Conference Call in Real Life - YouTube

Who are you? An IT Rock Star. - YouTube

Email in Real Life - YouTube


Next time someone says the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, show them this - Vox

You Can Learn Anything

Success through effort

DENSI2012 Hall Davidson: Totally Fake Ways to Blow Your Kids' Minds - YouTube

TEDxBloomington - Shawn Achor - "The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance" - YouTube

spaghetti sauce Malcolm Gladwell

Norden Bomb sight

David and Goliath

Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch - YouTube

How Many Times Should You Try Before Success? - YouTube

Tinsmithing Demonstration at Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site - YouTube

Don't Judge Too Quickly We Won't - YouTube

Don't Judge Too Quickly 4 - YouTube

What is the World's Deadliest Animal? | GOOD - YouTube

World Religions Astonishing Facts - YouTube

The #1 reason people die early, in each country - YouTube

Humans In 1000 Years - YouTube

Five Fallacies | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios - YouTube

Even More Fallacies! | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios - YouTube

EVSC eRevolution Conference 2012 Keynote: Kevin Honeycutt - YouTube

▶ CUE13 - Keynote: Kevin Honeycutt - Trends, Tools and Tactics for 21st Century Learning - YouTube

Tradigital Mini-Concert at AESA Conference - YouTube