Workshop in 2 hours

Google Apps For Teachers

In this Session we will bring you up to speed with Google Apps for Education. In this Bring Your Own Device session we encourage you to bring your laptop or tablet to experience the great Google Apps features for the classroom. We plan to look at Chrome, extensions, Drive, Sharing, Docs and Research, as well as, Sheets, Forms and self grading quizzes,Slides Draw and even GMail. We hope to have a preview of Classroom for Google Apps as well. If there is time we will look at Blogger, Sites and Calendar. Bring your favorite device and sign into chrome and we will give you a Google apps for education account to try out.


Why Chrome and not IE?

  • Speed
  • Drag and drop
  • Search by voice(try it)
  • Flash incorporated
  • mono bar- search and address
  • bookmarks star
  • Popularity
  • Google apps integration
  • Apps Button
  • Sign in and Synchronize

Task 1-- Download and Install Chrome

Download chrome

Task 2 -- Sign into chrome with your Google account

So all of your changes follow you!

Bookmarks bar

Task 3- Put the book marks bar on the browser

Task 4 - add a bookmark to the bar

Task 5 - add a folder for bookmarks

How would you use this with students?

Import Bookmarks and settings


Chrome store

Task 6 --Add an App form the Chrome Store

App Package for education

Chrome Web Store

Popular Chrome Apps

Rush City Technology- all about Chrome






Web Page screenshot

Highlight to search

convert text to speech


Task 7 - add an extension to Chrome

Add Users

Setting >settings>users>add users

Advanced settings- Passwords and forms

Auto-fill forms

Offer to save passwords


Attach it or share it?

Take a while to wrap your brain around the difference!







Task 1- create a new folder

Up load

No space used up if you upload in Google format, but will do what ever format you want.

May need to download again to read depending on format.

Will open in drive if upload in Google or Microsoft or PDF formats

Task 2 - Upload a file or folder from your computer

Create--- Slides, sheets, form, doc, drawing or apps

Check it -- share, move, trash preview, open, or download

Shared recent starred offline(synchronize time involved) trash

Add ons

How can you see using this with students?

A new classroom by google

If we have time, let's watch: Managing your class with Google drive

Or you can use gClass Documents or Doctupus -- but these use scripts on a Spreadsheet

Embed videos with Google Drive

15 Effective ways to use Google Docs in class

Sharing and suggested edits

You can edit MS office files using Google Drive


It's Just like Word Sort of.....

  • Less load time
  • Auto save on all time
  • Less stuff to confuse the students and myself.
  • Sharing is so cool!
  • Research is so cool!
  • the 'add on's are so cool!
  • I didn't pay for it!

Name it ! Please?


Make a copy

Down load as-

Publish to the web

email collaborators

email as an attachment

Classroom uses for these?


The Web Clipboard

Find and replace



Drag and drop or choose from my drive on my computer

Take a snapshot

By url

My albums (from Google + saved photos)

From you Google Drive

Search-- Be careful with kids here!

What will you have to say to students about these?


equation-- yes math problems - symbols- etc,.



Footnote -- easy! but not a bibliography here-- that comes later.

Comment-- on a student's work!

When would you use this?


Horizontal line

Page numbers

Table of Contents

Format- subscript, superscript, strike through, crop image,

line spacing

lists-- Choose your Outline style here

numbered list

bullet lists


Spelling - or right click and take the top one?

What Changes in teaching does this bring on?

Define - use to teach language?

Translate document- Tagalog kid!

Word Count -- Be careful how you assign they will check this!

Research -- This is a killer app!

everything , scholar, images, dictionary, quotes, tables

link, cite,

MLA, APA, Chicago

'Add on's--- Resources quickly there for writing

for example; Bible verse, thesaurus, Bibliography, Table of contents, Grammar critique,

Help-- keyboard short cuts

Right Click

Task 1 Add on Bible verse or another of the add on's

Task 2 Describe how Docs will help you meet standards and curricular goals. Use the shared document created by Mark. all need to contribute to the document!

Task 3 Write a one page paper on either balloons, bears, beans or belching.

12 point type, no more than 1 and a half spaced, with two images, two links, a quote, properly cited with footnotes; then share with me and at least one other person (Barb perhaps?)


Let's make a graph!

Spreadsheets can do so much more but....

File-- share, download, publish to web, email collaborators, email as attachment

Insert,-- Function, Chart, Image, Link, Drawing


Candy count

Line, Area, column, bar, Scatter, Pie, Map, Trend, Gauge, table, Organizational Chart

Where would you have students make charts?

Task 1 enter some data and create a chart.

But there's more !

Add on's

Doctupus (video) For sharing documents and assignments with students in their own folders

Gooberic (video) For grading students with rubrics

AutoCrat (Video)


gClassFolders (Tutorial)


Start by filling out this form

Whoa! How could you use that in your class?

Where do the answers go? Here

How do I make my own?

Can I have them graded automatically?

When would you use a survey rather than a test or quiz?

Types of questions:



multiple Choice

Choose from a list





Task 1: Now Its your Turn! Create a three question survey and send it to your colleagues!

Let's go over the results!

Multiple pages and the if/then scenario

Add images

Add video

Task 2: Now create a ten point quiz for your class. include a question with an image in it and a question with a video as a part of it. Again share with the group.

The summary of responses

View the live form

accepting responses

collect their address or name

Progress Bar

Are you ready to grade them automatically?

Floobaroo is for you!

Are you ready to try it?

Task three add Flubaroo as an add on.

Task four create a quiz, and an answer set or key, then collect answers from your fellow teachers, and grade it.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this?

80+ Google Forms for the classroom

Four ways to customize your Google forms