Subcomm structure pdf.pdf

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) 

Aims to foster an inclusive environment within the faculty through educational and advocacy-focused initiatives. As a member of the EDI subcommittee, you will work with a team of passionate individuals that strives to advocate for BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+ and any other communities that face marginalization. Initiatives place emphasis on both global and local issues occurring today. The EDI Subcommittee’s first project in 2021 was “Understanding the Different Contexts of Food Sovereignty Work,” an online conversation about the interconnections of Food Sovereignty and ways to become involved, then the EDI Subcommittee led zoom office hours covering a variety of EDI topics, and created the LFS|US EDI Resource Guide which can be found below.  


 For the 2023-2024 Academic year, the EDI Subcommittee will have the following structure:  




EDI Subcommittee is overseen by VP Engagement and AVP Engagement 


Visit the role descriptions page here to find further information on each tier of subcommittee involvement: coordinators, core subcommittee members, and general subcommittee members, and the hiring information for each!  




Aims to ensure the sustainability of the actions taken by LFS|US, in alignment with the LFS|US Sustainability Recommendation Report and UBC Sustainability goals. As a member of the Sustainability Subcommittee, you will have the opportunity to take the initiative and advance the sustainability of our Undergraduate Society and the greater community. Some past projects piloted by small groups within the Subcommittee include the Recycling Expansion and Inclusion Project, the MacMillan Courtyard Project, and the online “Plants Buds” event.  


In the 2021-22 academic year, the 15+ member strong Sustainability Subcommittee launched and continued asynchronous initiatives, such as Sustainability Week and the above Recycling Project, as well as synchronous events, such as the UBC Farm Walk and Talk and Sustainability Service Day. 


For the 2023-2024 Academic year, the Sustainability Subcommittee will have the following structure:  





Visit the role descriptions page here to find further information on each tier of subcommittee involvement: coordinators, core subcommittee members, and general subcommittee members, and the hiring information for each! 

Stay connected to our online platforms (@lfsusubc on Instagram and @lfsusubc on TikTok) for more information about this opportunity in the coming weeks.