
Dr. Rytter likes to divide her weekday shifts into two parts; a morning shift 7am-10am and a mid-day shift 10am-5pm.

However, she sometimes doesn't have enough staff to cover these two shifts, so she makes them into one day shift, 7am-5pm. Some people prefer to work a lot of hours in fewer days. In the case of having ten hour shifts, Dr. Rytter tries her best to have two people working on alternate days in some fashion to decrease the chance of burnout.

Weekend shift times tend to be a bit more flexible.

Dr. Rytter does the monthly staffing schedule based on all of her support staff's availability. She is as accommodating as she can be while making sure her own needs will be met.

You can work a range from 6 hours to 35 hours a week, but the number of hours you work needs to be pretty consistent from week to week and from month to month unless you ask Dr. Rytter for a change in your hours at least one month in advance. This allows her to find people to cover some of your shifts or figure out how to give you more hours.