What To Expect

Dr Rytter is offering reduced rent to someone to sleep at home most nights of the week. If one person is living in the apartment, she requests you be on call 5 nights per week.  For 2 people, the expectation is 7 nights a week on a rotating basis.  So one week, person 1 is on call 3 nights a week and person 2 is on call 4 nights a week.  The next week, this switches. Please see the chart below for details on rent, deposit, and on-call expectations.

Although she is quite independent during the day due to her assistive technology, Dr. Rytter needs someone there at night in the rare occurrence that she needs some help. She might need more or fewer blankets, help with going to the bathroom, taking medicine, or changing position. These incidents are rare. In an average year, Dr. Rytter summons for help overnight three or four times.

Another reason to have a roommate is to help in case of an emergency, like a fire, earthquake, flood, or a medical emergency. Once again, these are rare. For instance, it was in 2009 when she last needed to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night.

Here is a video that Dr. Rytter made to  answer many commonly asked questions regarding the roommate position.