How To Apply

If you interested in having reduced rent for a room in exchange for providing occasional overnight support, you’re more than welcome to apply by answering the questions below and emailing your responses to with the subject line “Roommate for Dr. Rytter”. She may have her personal assistant do a phone interview with you before Dr Rytter interviews you herself. She also will check references. We do our best to make this process as quick and painless as possible, especially when we know how hard finding a place to live can be!

Please copy the document below to an email and type in your response to each question. When completed, please send to Dr. Rytter's support team at

Dr. Rytter's Roommate Questionnaire

Please copy the questions below to an email and type in your response to each, then send to Thank you!

Your Name:

Phone Number:

Today’s Date:

1. Are you 21 years of age or older?

2. Are you allergic to cats?

3. Do you have a driver's license and clean driving record? Dr Rytter has an insured accessible minivan that you may need to drive in case of emergency.

4. Why do you want to be Dr. Rytter's roommate?

5. What would you like in a roommate?

6. Describe your personality.

7. What are some of your hobbies?

Thank you so much for answering these questions!

Please send your responses to