How to Interview with Dr. Rytter

Dr Rytter has a four-step interviewing process, and you may be invited to participate in one or more of them. She made the short videos below to walk a candidate through these steps. Watching Dr. Rytter's videos will help you be prepared, so it is recommended you watch them all. It would be great if you could respond to us within a day or two. This helps us to expedite the process for you. 


1) Initial questions

If there are questions at the end of the ad, please answer these questions in your email responding to the ad and skip the questionnaire on this website. If you don’t see questions at the end of the ad, complete the website questionnaire and follow the instructions for emailing your answers to us.

2) Phone interview

Dr Rytter may email you back saying she would like her personal assistant to conduct a phone interview with you. One of the purposes of this is to ask you several questions. Just be yourself. 😊 On average, the phone interview takes 20-30 minutes.


Another reason for the phone interview is to answer the questions that you may have about the job itself. We know you may be curious about Dr. Rytter’s personal life, but we are obligated to keep certain things private.

3) Face-to-face interview with Dr Rytter

You might be invited to have a job interview Dr. Rytter, perhaps on Zoom. Dr. Rytter conducts this interview using her eye gaze communication system that talks. She has programmed some questions into her device beforehand. She also asks follow-up questions and explains things. Like with any potential employer, you want to talk directly to Dr. Rytter and then wait to hear what she has to say even though she has someone with her.


Dr Rytter asks several thought provoking questions that may stump you, and this is ok. Just be yourself in your interview! Try to answer Dr. Rytter’s questions with your gut instead of trying to come up with the “right answer”.  


She will ask if you have any questions specifically about the job. She realizes that you may want to know more about certain job duties. This is fine. At the same time, it is important to remember that this is a job interview with a potential employer, so you don’t want to ask personal questions such as the following:


1.       How old are you?  

2.       How much do you weigh?

3.       Does your family come to see you?  

4) Reference check

We check professional and personal references. We know providing professional references can be challenging due to covid. If you are having a hard time getting past work references, professional references also be a college professor, mentor, coach, clergy member, and a coordinator of volunteers. Please, no relatives who tend to be a little more biased.


We realize that going through these four steps seems like a lot, but we have years of practice guiding applicants through this process. And we want to expedite the process for you without cutting corners. Thank you for your understanding, coordination, and patience!