Arch Enemy

Alissa White-Gluz

Q: You're also a huge supporter of animal rights, and are a straight edge vegan. Very powerful ideologies there, what made you decide they were for you?

AWG:  Since birth I was never into torture and murder, most kids aren't. The difference is that I was educated at a young age as to how most people actually do enjoy murder on a daily basis in the form of food. I was always vegetarian and vegan was the next logical step. And as far as being straight edge, well if I care enough about my life and life in general, why would I want to poison the very vehicle that allows me to live – my body?

Source:  (2013)

Smöl things

Hello Beastlings!

I have been enjoying the change of seasons with my Nikon! I am editing together some nice visuals for you to relax to. In the meantime, here are two small, cute things to make you smile!

The first photo displays what is known as a Wooly Bear or Virginian Tiger Moth Caterpillar. I recently learned a lot about caterpillars and they are absolutely mind-blowing creatures! Did you know that when a caterpillar enters the chrysalis stage to begin their metamorphosis into a butterfly or moth, they don't just hunker down and sprout wings; they actually dissolve themselves into a sort of "cell soup", then re-construct those cells into a butterfly!! And, they can retain memories from their caterpillar days after all of that! How absolutely insane!

The last generation hatched in a year overwinters as larvae; I am guessing this dude is going to do that. They can actually freeze themselves solid over winter and then thaw in the spring and continue their lives. Wow!!

The second photo features some wild blueberries - I shot these photos during late dusk and there was such a somber feel throughout. I really like the look.



Patreon on 19th Sep 2023.