原田 曉
Harada Akatsuki

Laboratory of forest art 2023

絆 (木繋)    /  Bond    ( Wood connect )   



It is not easy to transport dead forest trees once they have been cut down. Even if a tree has tattered bark, if you cut it into pieces to make it easier to transport, the center will still be solid. I tried connecting the logs with reinforcing iron bar. When I connected each piece with rebar stakes, I realized that it resembled the shape of a ``clamp. Connecting these trees in a circle with a clamp . . . might be what we need right now.

Laboratory of forest art 2022

「巨木のイメージ -17」 

 Image of the Giant Tree – 17





This art work is the 17th "image of the giant tree" at this exhibition. In the past few years, the KONARA (Oak) trees have been dying one after another due to the vermin called "KASHINAGA" Branches and trunks were broken off from trees and the forest became dangerous.

Those dead trees cut down and the fallen trees are scattered in the forest.

These fallen trees must have had a dream to surely become the giant trees, too.

Laboratory of forest art 2021



Communication of Trees

We communicate with each other through sounds, writing, and actions. It is said that trees and other vegetation also communicate with each other. But how, and by what means, do plants communicate?

Laboratory of forest art 2020


2020 年今年の作品は、昨年 2019 年に制作した作品の継承です。 「森の中には多くの種類の植物が生息している。人が森に入り倒木や枯れ枝を片 付けると、その周辺の環境が変わり、土の中に眠っている新たな種が芽吹く。」昨 年亡くなった私たちグループの福田さんが残したこの言葉から、森の再生能力に 敬意を払い、切り倒した枯れた山桜の木の枝部を利用して昨年5本の作品を制作 しました。しかしそこには未だ山桜の太い幹の部分が横たわっていました。これ は次の機会に作ってみたいものだと思っていました。 今年現場に行ってみると、驚いたことに、昨年切り倒した山桜の切り株から枝が 生え「萌芽更新」が始まっていました。枯れていたと思っていた山桜でしたが、 完全に枯れてはいませんでした。これも森の神秘と感じ、この太い幹の丸太を立 てて昨年と同様の手法で作品化しようと思いました。

この丸太 (直径 30cm〜40cm、⻑さ 2m50cm) を、ひとりで立てるには到底無 理でしたので、他の作家に手伝っていただきました。皆さんに感謝、そして森に 感謝。    

素材:倒木 (山桜) 、枯れ枝 


2020 This year's work is a succession of the work produced last year in 2019. “Many types of plants live in the forest. When a person enters the forest and cleans up fallen trees and dead branches, the surrounding environment changes and new species sleeping in the soil sprout. Based on the words left by Mr. Fukuda of our group who died last year, we paid homage to the ability to regenerate the forest and made five works last year using the branches of the dead mountain cherry tree that was cut down. .. However, the thick trunk of the wild cherry tree still lay there. I wanted to make this next time. When I went to the site this year, to my surprise, branches grew from the stump of wild cherry blossoms that I cut down last year, and "coppicing" began. It was a wild cherry tree that I thought was dead, but it wasn't completely dead. I felt that this was also the mystery of the forest, so I decided to stand this thick trunk log and make it into a work in the same way as last year.

It was impossible to stand this log (30 cm to 40 cm in diameter, 2 m 50 cm in length) by myself, so I asked another writer to help me. Thank you to everyone, and thank you to the forest.

Material: Fallen tree (wild cherry tree), dead branch