photos by Irati Alonso Calafell


Kunst in der Natur, Wachtberg, Austria

You are not humans. You become humans when you go beyond the nature of your reptile brains. Prepare for paradigm shift from one of exploitation to one of conservation and care. 


With the key of imagination I open the door of perception and deep listening. From inside comes the voice.

As one brilliant mind said I learn what I know by watching and loving everything. 

The silent source of intuition guides me in the rhythm of morphic resonance. All infinite forms of life entangled in constant interplay. Nature is change. 

Remember that Mother Nature conveys her truths to those who are passive and receptive, as Luther Burbank noticed. (...)

Plantcestors say:

You are not humans. You become fully humans when you go beyond the nature of your reptile brains, beyond ignorance.

You were told that you are selfish, egocentric violent beasts and you gave this story your belief. You gave up your power and gave permission to be slaves of predatory nature of modern capitalism. Over-consuming hypocrites, blissfully ignorant in bubbles of mechanical materialism. Yet you always felt there is more to life than this.

Plantcestors say:

You need to move further from that place. You need to go beyond selfish impulses of the lizard brain. 

You are obligated to your ancestors and yourselves to live joyful and full of wisdom lives. 

To be aligned with true human values of love, compassion and care. (...)

Beware of dogmas. Question established order. 

Practice civil disobedience. Do not obey your government. (...)

Becoming human is not a piece of cake.

It is to sit still and quite inside a nest of snakes.

With calmness facing own shadows of fear, rage, rape, disempowerment and pain. (...)

Becoming human is to free your mind 

From illusion of separation, narrow cage of  adjustments to mediocrity and lies. (...)

Become humans and flourish, transform this garbage of inhumane sorrow and pain into new earth, exploitation into paradigm of care. 

Love life as there is only birth and rebirth. 

Great deal of inspiration for the text came from books The secret life of plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird (Harper & Row., 1989 edition),  A New Science of Life / Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake (2009 by Park Street Press).