performance with Alioune Diouf (Senegal)
Hamburger Bahnhof Museum, Berlin, Germany

The idea was to summon the Spirit of Togetherness and the Spirit of (River) Flow in order to bring people together, engage, to transfer general mood of being on the river, in nature, in wilderness, among other humans.

Performed at the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum (Berlin) opening of 'How to talk with birds, trees, fish, shells, snakes, lions and bulls' exhibition together with Alioune Diouf,  artist from Dakar, Senegal. 

'Flow/Przepływ Project' is an art-live project; flowing artist-in-residence program on Vistula river run by Ewa Ciepielewska and Agnieszka Brzeżańska, a residence in which I had the opportunity to participate. 

It was an mazing experience that changed my way of perceiving the aquatic ecosystem of the river, it's natural wilderness and beauty and how humans can interact such an overwhelming environment. At the same time 'Flow' is about being together in a group where daily life activities mix with creating art, talking, inspiring, challenging ever changing environment, meeting new people and simply being.

And this is what I wanted to recreate in my performance. When I was invited to make an opening performance in the 'Flow/Przepływ' room I knew I wanted to bring to that event that spirit of flow, connection, exchange, intimacy and fun and share it with people. To somehow speak together with other objects in the room and energy enchanted in them. To create ritual dance to transfer emotions and feelings, spread them around.