I have always loved playing percussion instruments. When I was 16 years old I went through a serious infection, as a result of which I partially lost my hearing, and a quiet noise became a permanent part of my ear. However, I didn't stop playing, and my sensitivity to sounds even increased somewhat. This also had other sides - when I felt that someone was talking rubbish, I listened to them with my damaged ear. 

I met musician Patryk Zakrocki during the Flow/Przepływ artist residency, which takes place on a river barge. We improvised together in wild exultation, and that's how the idea for Polski Piach (Polish Sand) – playing minimalist experimental blues – was born.  The excellent saxophonist Piotr Mełech joined us and together we recorded our first album, Południe (South). Available via bandcamp.

Music album, 2020

Available on Bandcamp

graphic by Barbara Żak