What is equity?

NCFP (n.d.)Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matters.[image] https://www.ncfp.org/2018/04/17/why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-matter/


Treating everyone equally is not always fair or just.

      Equity is acknowledging that we all don't start at the same place.  Many of us have differences which require unique supports.  In order to create a community that is welcoming to all we need to ensure that all people have access to needed resources and accommodations to ensure justice and well-being is equitable for all. 

  We know that Indigenous communities have faced and continue to face racism and other obstacles to education. (Chona, 2022) (Higginbottom, 2023) Corona discusses equity when she talks about a common misconception of many settlers which is “If I just treat everyone the same, there will be no racism. " This perspective often coexists with the idea that educators are culturally neutral or that the cultural perspectives and knowledges that are reflected in our systems are the only ones of value.”(p64) 

    Both Chrona and Higginbottom discuss the importance of educators reflecting on our biases and cultural assumptions to ensure we are seeing clearly through a lens of equity.   In her dissertation(2023), Higginbottom discusses the annual equity scan to identify barriers and promising practices, which she implemented in our school district to help identify places where the school system can improve by creating more equitable education for all. 

Reflection Questions For Educators: 


Chrona, J. (2022) Wayi Wah! Indigenous Pedagogies – An Act for Reconciliation and Anti-Racist Education. Portage & Main Press.

Higginbottom, G. (2023) Steps Toward  Healing a Colonial System While Improving  Equitable Experiences for  Indigenous Learners K-12 in a BC Rural 

     School District. The Organizational Improvement Plan at Western University, 373. Retrieved from  https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/oip/373 

SD8 (2023) Equity Scan. https://aboriginal.sd8.bc.ca/equity/abed 

Southam,T. (2021) Academics as allies and accomplices – practices for decolonized solidarity. Anthropology & Aging, Vol 42, No 2 (2021), 

pp. 150-165 ISSN 2374-2267 (online) DOI 10.5195/aa.2021.366

NCFP (n.d.)Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matters.[image] https://www.ncfp.org/2018/04/17/why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-matter/