Is it ok for non Indigenous people to teach about Indigenous topics?

Jesse Halton, District Indigenization Coordinator, is an example of a local leader who teachers can consult with and get guidance from for teaching about Indigenous topics. (Halton, nd.)

     Chrona affirms that is is  "the work of educators in all parts of the education system to identify and support the needs and achievement of Indigenous learners...[and she validates the importance of ] ensuring all learners and educators engage in learning about ... and from Indigenous Peoples" (2022,p.21)

While it is vital that non-indigenous educators learn from and take the guidance of Indigenous leaders, teachers, and knowledge holders, we do  hold a responsibility to teach about Indigenous peoples and knowledges. 

    Understand that the lack of awareness of Indigenous topics in public education is not solely the responsibility of our indigenous colleagues. Our Indigenous colleagues already hold a tremendous responsibility in sharing their knowledge and teachings with diverse learners and colleagues. The scope of the harms of the past and current racist injustices requires all of us to contribute and share the responsibility of reconciliation. in fact not teaching about Indigenous topics is a form of racism and attempted genocide- erasure.

    One important thing to consider is the distinction between teaching Indigenous culture and teaching about Indigenous culture. Non-indigenous peoples cannot teach indigenous cultures, as this would be cultural appropriation. However, we can teach about indigenous history, culture and traditions. We must always work under the guidance of Indigenous leaders, using resources prepared by Indigenous knowledge holders for our use in the classroom. 

 Reflections for educators


Chrona, J. (2022) Wayi Wah! Indigenous Pedagogies – An Act for Reconciliation and Anti-Racist Education. Portage & Main Press.

Halton, J. (nd.) District Indigenization Coordinator, Jesse Halton.  [image] used with permission. Personal correspondence from Halton.