What if I make a mistake?

Andrews, M. Rogers, C. (2022) Ask an Ally - What do you do when you make a mistake as an Ally? [VIDEO] Youtube. Evolve Communities.  https://youtu.be/nAhW_DMak6E?si=i7kvJ_Cd0XUjwFHK 

The Evolve Community developed in Australia to promote Indigenous Allyship.   There is a whole series of utube videos called "Ask an Aunty" and "Ask an Ally", which you can watch with answers to important questions about allyship.  They use a handy "3R" strategy, which means "reflect, relate and reconcile", which is explained in this video.

Fear holds us back, courage and humility allow us to learn from mistakes.

    Truth & Reconciliation is going to be a difficult journey. Have no doubt, this will be hard work involving a lot of personal reflection and moving out of our comfort zones.  It is perfectly understandable that you might feel nervous and unsure of where and how to begin.  There are and will be tremendous obstacles. But just because it is hard, it doesn't mean that it is impossible. When our students make mistakes, we know that this is a learning experience, that it will help them grow and become stronger.  I often tell my students there is "no learning without mistakes". Learning and growing as good human beings is hard work; it it involves making mistakes and picking ourselves up and persevering.  When we do make mistakes, it's helpful to use the 3R strategy -"Reflect, Relate, and Reconcile" (Andrews, 2022), explained in the "Ask an Ally" video (left).  We know in our hearts that change needs to happen.  It is in reconnecting with our hearts that we will begin to find the way towards Truth & Reconciliation.

Reflection Question for Educators:


Andrews, M. Rogers, C. (2022) Ask an Ally - What do you do when you make a mistake as an Ally? [VIDEO] Youtube. Evolve Communities.  https://youtu.be/nAhW_DMak6E?si=i7kvJ_Cd0XUjwFHK 

Chrona, J. (2022) Wayi Wah! Indigenous Pedagogies – An Act for Reconciliation and Anti-Racist Education. Portage & Main Press.